A Not-So-Shocking Revelation

A Not-So-Shocking RevelationPaul Shelby Lewis<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Yet again, Democrats have shown their true colors.  And yet again, no one in the main stream media is picking it up.  Sure, CNN, MSNBC, and FOXNEWS are discussing Barak Obama's race, his Pastor's outrageous sermons, and the comments made by Geraldine Ferraro.  But none of the aforementioned is talking about what should be the biggest story of all:  The Democrat party has fallen under the collapse of its own plank-in-my-eye-speck-in-your-eye structure.
But worry not, ye Democrats, I am quite sure this collapse will end up being, as are all other social problems, the fault of those evil Republicans.  But here we are.  The party that claims to be color blind, the party that throws the race card in its opponent's collective faces at every possible turn, the party where people of every color are "accepted," this very same party is divided sharply across racial lines.  Does anyone in their party really have a clue about the differences (however slight) between Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama?  I'm sure that the 90% of blacks who voted for Barak Obama in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Mississippi were thrilled about his health care plan, not about his skin color.  I'm sure that the over-70% of white voters that voted for Hillary in that same primary were casting a ballot for the candidate of "experience," not the "white" candidate.   
As is always the case, the peripheral has become the central, while the issues of substance are left out in the cold.  For a while, it looked like Barak Obama was going to get himself into trouble because he never discussed any issue other than hope and change (see also, change and hope).  But, Geraldine Ferraro may turn out to be right; the Democrat primary delegates and super-delegates could very well side with Barak Obama for no other reason than a fear of being labeled as being against the "black candidate."  If this happens, look for similar terms (racist, bigot, fascist, etc.) to be lobbed against Republicans who refuse to support Barak Obama and his campaign to change hope (or hope for change, I can't really remember). 
It is a sad commentary about the state of a political party when a candidate is chosen or dismissed solely on the basis of race.  Ironic that such has been brought about by the party that claims to be for racial justice.  And, being so deeply concerned about the issue of racial bigotry, I can only assume that the "Reverend" (you will excuse me if that term does not roll off the tongue) Jackson and the "Reverend" Sharpton will be the first to decry the candidacy of Obama if it turns out he is elected because of his skin color. 

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