Is Obama "Elitist"? Ask "religious" Christians!

Is Obama "Elitist"? <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Ask "religious" Christians!
"That the hypocrite should not reign,
Lest the people be ensnared." (Job 34:30)
"Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying: 
'These people draw near to Me with their mouth,
And honor Me with their lips,
But their heart is far from <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Me.'" (Matt 15:7-8)
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! …Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness."  (Matt 23:27a, 28)
Brethren, just in case you missed it, Senator Obama believes you are "clinging to religion" (and guns, too) because you are "bitter"; and, when given an opportunity to clarify (or, horrors, even disavow) this demeaning elitist attitude, he refused!!  He only regrets he "offended" people like you and me. 
Brethren, Sen. Obama is not religious in the sense we mean it.  What we mean by "religious" is "believing wholeheartedly in Jesus as Lord of our lives and obeying His precepts as laid out and defined in His Holy Scriptures."
Sen. Obama may say he's a "devout" Christian, but his acts (see previous Alerts about stances on abortion, for example) and his words prove otherwise. 
Most of us do not "cling" to "religion" (i.e., Christianity) because we're desperate or "bitter".  Believers like you and me cling to our faith because we love the Triune God and His Beauty and Glory, His Love, His Goodness, His Merciful offer of Salvation, His Word and Truth, His Justice, His Supernatural signs and wonders, His Forgiveness of our sins, His Precepts, His Guidance, His Tenderness and His Father's Heart to you and me (among other aspects of His divinity). 
So, if Sen. Obama thinks being "religious" is for those poor fools who are "bitter" and unenlightened, how can we believe he's a "devout Christian"
Answer:  We can't.  He's a hypocrite!  When he's trying to get money from rich elitists in San Francisco, he degrades "religious" Christians as buffoons; when he's talking to us buffoons, he's a "devout Christian".  HYPOCRITE!!
Below are some excerpts about this matter:
"Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, at a televised forum on faith and politics last night, said Sen. Barack Obama's remark about 'bitter' small-town voters clinging to religion and guns raised legitimate concerns about his character and that it was an appropriate campaign issue."
"'Someone goes to a closed-door fundraiser in San Francisco and makes comments that do seem elitist, out of touch and, frankly, patronizing,' she said on the 'Compassion Forum' broadcast on CNN."
"Mrs. Clinton said she believes 'the potential for life begins at conception' but that women must be entrusted to decide absent government intrusion whether to have an abortion."
"Mr. Obama said he has not come to a 'firm resolution' on when life begins. 'Is it when a cell separates? Is it when the soul stirs? So I don't presume to know the answer to that question,' he said."
"The furor underscored several long-perceived weaknesses about Mr. Obama - a general air of aloofness, his ties to racist sermons by the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. and an inability to connect with white working-class voters…"
"[The remarks] call into question whether his appeals to working-class voters have been mere contrivances, mere vote-getting activities. And even more profoundly Obama's remarks reinforce the belief of those who say there is much more to know about the senator's real values and real attitudes." (emphases mine)
(see entire article here: Clinton, Obama spar on 'bitter' comments regarding voters)
And also:
"As political psychoanalysis, this is what they believe in Cambridge and Hyde Park. Guns and God are the opiate of the masses, who are being gulled by Karl Rove and rich Republicans. If only they embraced their true economic self-interest, these pure saps wouldn't need religion and they wouldn't dislike non-white immigrants."
"Mr. Obama's unreflective condescension is reminiscent of the famous 1993 Washington Post article that described evangelical Christians as 'poor, undereducated and easy to command.' And the fact that he said it so naturally in front of a San Francisco crowd suggests that this is what he may truly believe." (emphases mine)
(see entire article here: The Other Obama )

Relevant Articles:
            Clinton, Obama Focus on Faith at Forum         
Join Our Prayer:
1.     That the true Senator Obama will be continually exposed (Eph 5:11; 1 Tim 5:25; Mark 4:22);
2.     That both he and Senator Clinton and their spouses will be saved (2 Peter 3:9; John 3:16);
3.     That the Church will hear and understand that these two candidates are not telling us the truth (Ps 51:6; Luke 12:2). 

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