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Obama Lifts Freeze on $192 Million Aid Package to Palestinian Authority: "Important to the Security Interests of the United States"

By Robert Spencer Jihad Watch    
It is? In what way? "Obama lifts freeze on $192 million aid package to Palestinian Authority," from the Times of Israel, April 27:

US President Barack Obama has lifted a ban on financial aid to the Palestinian Authority. Obama stated that the aid was "important to the security interests of the United States."
The US Congress froze a $192 million aid package to the Palestinian Authority after its president, Mahmoud Abbas, defied US pressure and sought to attain UN endorsement of Palestinian statehood last September. The presidential waiver means that aid can now be delivered....
The AFP news agency quoted White House spokesman Tommy Vietor as saying the $192 million aid package would be devoted to "ensuring the continued viability of the moderate PA government under the leadership of [Palestinian Authority] President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad."
Vietor added that the PA had fulfilled its major obligations, such as recognizing Israel's right to exist, renouncing violence and accepting the Road Map for Peace.

Oh really? They've done all that, and yet still retail genocidal rhetoric about destroying Israel? Quite a balancing act.


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