Obama, Our Enemies Don't Want to Talk!

Obama, Our Enemies Don't Want to Talk!<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
"Deliver me, O LORD, from evil men;
Preserve me from violent men,
Who plan evil things in their hearts;
They continually gather together for war." Ps 140:1-2
"He who rules over men must be just,
Ruling in the fear of God." 2 Sam 23:3
On the current national/political scene, our leaders and media elites display an obvious lack of wisdom and understanding about our enemies.  The fact is these peoples' ideologies simply do not permit them to negotiate or cut any deals.  Our leaders' willingness to accept and believe false assumptions accentuate the dangers we face as a nation.  How is it that our enemies' goals continue to be unknown?  The articulated purposes of the "Islamofascists"/jihadists have been largely obscured by politically correct myths, which minimize their true motives.
Where are our "leaders" who are full of courage and understanding, and who will stand for Righteousness and Truth, and who will govern in the Fear of God
"One of the greatest weaknesses… is the striking inability of the political leadership and body politic to define and reach a consensus on who the Islamist enemy is and what the enemy wants. There is a striking lack of intellectual curiosity, or perhaps fear because of concerns about political correctness, that have blocked a serious discussion…what their real targets and objectives are and how that group fits into the broader Islamist project of converting the world to an Islamic state ruled by _sharia_ law." (see  Knowing the Enemy by Douglas Farah)
President Bush in his recent speech before the Israeli parliament said:
"Some seem to believe that we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along…"
Could we negotiate with radical, terrorist states or organizations and achieve a mutually desirable outcome?  ABSOLUTELY NOT!   These zealots have a definite mission which will not be deterred by any negotiations, concessions or appeasements.   
Below are insightful excerpts which clarify the position of our enemies:
<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />IRAN:
"Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said Sunday Iran will continue its nuclear program despite Western efforts adding, 'No threat can hinder the Iranian nation from its path.'"
"Rejection by any nation's population to embrace Islam gives rise to Ahmadinejad's duty to seek its destruction." Read the entire article: Ahmadinejad is Iran's Jim Jones by James Zumwalt, which informs of Ahmadinejad's core beliefs.
"Before any further discussion on whether to engage Hamas, the U.S. should examine what Hamas has to say about its own aspirations, which are clearly stated in its own charter."
According to their charter, the mission of Hamas is the destruction of Israel, to include all Jews; world domination where Islam is the measure of justice and liberty (Sharia law); and violent Jihad as the primary means to achieve their goals.
"The next time foreign policy experts, the State Department, or media pundits advocate talks with Hamas, I hope they ask themselves which of the tenets is on the table. If we are not prepared to believe wild anti-Semitic delusions, sacrifice Israel, devote all Western media to the Islamist message, glorify violence or look forward to a world in which Islam is the measure of justice and liberty, what is there to discuss?"
Read the entire article: To Talk or Not to Talk by Peggy Shapiro, which exposes the mission of Hamas).
Mark Steyn quotes former Hezbollah leader, Hussein Massawi:
"We are not fighting so that you will offer us something.  We are fighting to eliminate you." 
 "What would a President Obama do?" Victor Davis Hanson comments:
"[W]e certainly know that Obama is willing to meet any and all our enemies without preconditions. During a televised debate he was asked directly whether he would agree 'to meet separately, without precondition . . . with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, and North Korea,' Obama replied: 'I would.'"
"The problem here would not be in theory talking with an Iran or Syria…but in a priori signaling to tyrants such an eagerness to elevate their grievances to head-of-state diplomacy. Under what conditions, how long, and to what degree Obama would be willing to exercise non-diplomatic options (ed. note: military) when talks proved futile…""If a President Obama were to enter into multiple negotiations with Iran…, at what point would he be willing not merely to cease talking, but to accept that his negotiations had done more harm than good and thus required a radical change of course - and would it be in time?"
Read entire article here: Appeasement and Its Discontents
Make every effort to avail yourself of these articles, as well as the relevant articles listed as below.  And PRAY that our "leaders" would have eyes to see, and that the plans of the enemy would end in futility.   

How to Pray:

  1. LORD, grant that our leaders would turn from their wicked ways; that they would humble themselves and seek YOU! (Ezek 3:19; 33:11; Joel 2:12f; 2 Chron 7:14);


  1. OPEN their eyes, that they might see and understand ( 2 Kings 6:20; Is 11:2; 42:18);


  1. Cause our leaders to be JUST men, RULING in the FEAR of GOD (2 Sam 23:3, 2 Chron 19:9; Neh 5:9);

Relevant Articles:
Obama's Unique Appeasement Style by Caroline Glick (Highly Recommended!)
Author confirms: Terrorists 'rejoice' at Obama victory by Aaron Klein
Force: The Only Language Hezbollah Understands by Elias Bejjani
Obama: Silence in the face of evil by Peggy Shapiro
Ninny Pity Party by Mark Steyn


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