Obama Seems To Be Foolish! Is He? Your Life May Depend On The Answer

Obama Seems To Be Foolish!  Is He?  <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Your Life May Depend On The Answer
"Forsake foolishness and live,
 And go in the way of understanding."(Prov 9:6)
"Professing to be wise, they became fools."(Rom 1:22)
I have been pondering what to think and say about the nomination of Sen. Barack Obama.  Sadly, there is far too much about which to be concerned.  We should not have a candidate like him – a far left socialist who will give away as much of your money as possible, whilst he takes away your freedoms; who will tax you and your business to the uttermost; who will work to silence all opposing viewpoints on radio or TV; and who will appease our mortal enemies (thereby inviting their disdain and attacks), denuding our defense system; and so much more.
We should not have a candidate like this because he does not seem WISE, but rather FOOLISH (Prov 12:5; Mt 5:22).  He and his anti-American, unpatriotic socialistic fellow travelers do not seem concerned about, do not understand, or do not believe the Jihadists' intentions and, therefore, are espousing programs which will undermine our national defense and expose us to the devastating consequences of such deluded perspectives, worldviews and policies. 
It is impossible in one sitting to describe how destroyed our nation, culture and civilization will be if Obama and his fellow travelers control the White House, Congress, the courts, the state houses, the universities, and the media.
Therefore, I have decided to apportion information and commentary about the potential ravaging and turmoil of an Obama presidency into small bites, one or two topics at a time.  Here is the first (and probably the most important since it involves life or death):
Because of George Bush and the media, seven years after 9/11 most Americans no longer realize (or care) that we are at war with an implacable enemy which is dedicated to our subjugation or destruction.  [President Bush is complicit in this sorrowful saga by his refusal to identify the real enemy – militant Islam and Jihadism.]
Here are some observations from experts on this topic:
"To my mind, the Jihad that Islamists have declared against us is THE FUNDAMENTAL ISSUE OF OUR TIME… the serious threat they pose to American freedoms."
"Whether they're using the hard sell of bloody deaths, or the soft sell of co-opting a nation's institutions and preying on its well-meant deference to other cultures and its own self-loathing, the Jihadists have a clearly defined goal -- an Islamic world - and they're very committed to effectuating that goal."
" As Norman Podhoretz has already explained, this is World War IV."
"Obama, however, does not understand this.  He envisions cozy chit-chats with Ahmadinejad and loving hand-holding with Hamas.  There's every indication that, given his world view, he'll take <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Clinton's 'Ah feel your pain' approach one step further, and engage in a self-abasing 'I -- or, rather, America -- caused your pain.'"
(See entire article: Are Conservatives Cutting off Their Noses to Spite Their Faces?)
"Congress and the White House must wake up and realize that when Ahmadinejad says 'all the Islamic countries' are in unity against the United States, his remarks should not be ignored. Yes, Ahmadinejad is a madman, just as Hitler was before him."
"And the sooner America's leaders figure out that our nation is at war with Islam, the faster they will understand that the OPEC grip on high oil prices is just one strategic linchpin in Islam's war plan against the West."
"It is Islam, not 'terror,' that is at war with the United States and Israel. Terror is Islam's military strategy. Oil and financial prowess are even more effective strategies being employed by Islam, because it believes that if it attacks the disposable income of every American citizen, the entire nation will be brought to its knees and its will to resist will be destroyed."
(From Koenig's Eye View Report Dated June 6, 2008 subscription-based news report.  Please visit http://watch.org/ to review the purpose of their in-depth news report and subscribe.)
Finally, the following excerpt will leave you shaking your head.  Remember, this is a Bush-administration policy:
"Recent government policy memoranda, circulating through the national counter-terrorism and diplomatic community, establishes a new 'speech code' for the lexicon in the war on terror"
"These new 'speech codes' recommended that analysts and policy makers avoid the terms jihad or jihadist or mujhadid or 'al-Qaida movement' and replace them with 'extremists' and by extension other non-specific terms."
"This policy is a strategic collapse."
"It is a failure of commission, a collapse of competency and reason. It is a collapse of precision and possibly the most profound setback in the war on terror since 9-11"  
(See entire article: Strategic Collapse in the War on Terror)
[added emphases mine throughout]
So, what should we, as Christians, understand and do about this? 

  1. Be alert and aware of this danger; ask the Lord for eyes to see and understand the times (I Chron 12:32);


  1. Warn others about Obama's grave ignorance or lack of concern about the threat posed by Jihadism – that we are at war! (Heb 11:7) 


  1. Pray for God's Will to be done in this election; PRAY He will be MERCIFUL;  The lives of your family depend on it! (Prov 8:15)

Relevant Articles:
            Obama's Plan To Disarm The U.S. (very important)
            A Video Portrait Of Barack Hussein Obama (interesting)
            Why Obama Must Go to Iraq (also very important)
The Obama We Don't Know     
Obama and McCain

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