Obama Wants a Climate Czar...But Al Gore Has No Consensus

December 2, 2008
By Tom DeWeese
Former Vice President Al Gore had quite a year. He produced an Oscar-winning film warning of the coming global warming Armageddon. The film and his activism led to a Nobel Prize. Flush from those victories, Gore "took the Hill," as he testified before a hushed hearing room in his old Senate haunt, predicting more dire consequences if global warming isn't stopped. All of that was followed by mass rallies across the nation, with energized college students; editorials and magazine covers, and even legislation in Congress to curtail the use of carbon fuels. Gore concluded his triumphant moment in the spotlight with a major address in Washington on July 17, 2008, in which he boldly laid out his plan for a "wrenching transformation" of society he deemed necessary for man to survive.
That was the highlight of his life and probably his last hurrah, because ever since, an inconvenient truth found in science is showing (as I've reported over and over on these pages) that global warming is not man-made. In addition, scientists are finding more global cooling than heating – and that too is not man-made. To add insult to injury for poor Al, the legislation in Congress was defeated with the help of 30% of Democrats. Now scientists around the world have begun to speak out against Gore's zealotry. In short, Al has no scientific consensus.
In his dramatic road show, Gore warns, "The leading experts predict that we have less than 10 years to make dramatic changes on our global warming pollution lest we lose our ability to ever recover from this environmental crisis." Of course, Gore has been warning of a "10 year tipping point" for several years.
In fact, the UN started to warn of a 10-year countdown in 1989. That's when the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) warned that entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend was not reversed by the year 2000. Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of "eco-refugees," threatening political chaos.
Twenty years later – and as Al continues to issue the same tired warning, there has been no chaos, no flooding and no eco-refugees. However, what has occurred is an outpouring of dissent against the theory of human caused global warming fears.
Here is just a sample of the headlines in the global warming story in 2008:

And yet, Al Gore and his legions continue to pass global warming off as the greatest threat ever to man's survival. Not only have they called for "Nuremburg-type trials to silence skeptics – but even for civil disobedience "to prevent the construction of new coal plants that do not have carbon capture and sequestration." Why does he continue the campaign in light of so much proof to the contrary? Why does new President Barack Obama want to create a cabinet position for a "Climate Czar" even though there is so much proof that man-made global warming is little more than a hoax? Because the issue is not, and never has been about saving the planet. It is about enforcing a new economic "ecologarchy" that seeks to control our every action from the top. We used to call it socialism, now we call it going green.
Tom DeWeese is the President of the American Policy Center and the Editor of The DeWeese Report. The DeWeese Report is now available online.


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