Outrageous – President Bush Tells Senators to Ignore American People

Outrageous – President Bush Tells Senators to Ignore American People.


June 15, 2007 Volume 10, Issue 5

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Perhaps S. 1348, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 should be renamed the No Illegal Alien Left Behind Act. In a brazen attempt to contravene our representative Republic, President Bush is displaying his contempt for the will of the American people by seeking a path to passage of the Amnesty Bill. I know you thought we killed this outrageous piece of legislation last week. We did.  Now you must once again raise your voice, steadfastly, until the President and the U.S. Senate all get the message – NO AMNESTY FOR CRIMINAL ALIEN INVADERS!
You should be proud of your efforts to stop the Amnesty Bill the past two weeks. In an amazing grassroots effort, Senate offices reported hearing from more angry Americans than at any other time staffers could remember.
But in a stunning turn of events, President Bush has publicly ramped up pressure on those Senators who stood with the American people. You may have heard news reports that President Bush offered his support for an emergency spending bill, possibly to pay for border security, to sway needed votes for his Amnesty Bill. But such a move makes little sense - unless the President is not sincere. How would an offer to fund existing law requiring border security tempt concerned Senators, when their part of the bargain would be to then vote to change the law? Interestingly, Senator John Cornyn, Ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee's Immigration, Refugees and Border Security subcommittee, said the President did not actually commit to an emergency border security spending bill when he lunched with Senate Republicans. So what's really on the table?
From all indications, nothing has changed. This entire Amnesty Bill was crafted behind closed doors, and wasn't released to most Senators, or the public, in time to read it in advance of floor debate. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid continues to maneuver to severely limit attempted amendments. And the White House, certain Democrats, and the Immigration Deal-Makers hope to ram this Amnesty Bill down your throat.
One permitted amendment is that of Senator Ted Kennedy. This amendment would enhance the Security & Prosperity Partnership and quite probably the formation of a North American Union. One critical aspect of this amendment is Section 413, which expresses the sense of Congress that "The United States and Mexico should accelerate the implementation of the Partnership for Prosperity to help generate economic growth and improve the standard of living in Mexico."
The Partnership for Prosperity is a bilateral agreement made between the President of the United States and the President of Mexico in 2001. Its purpose it to boost the social and economic standards of Mexican citizens, particularly in regions where economic growth has lagged (which is most of the country of Mexico) and emigration has increased. So not only are Americans to bear the financial burden of the illegals already here; our national government has agreed we should bear the additional financial burden needed to better the lives of those Mexicans who stay in their own country!
If this bill can truly be said to have anything to do with compromise, it is because the U.S. Senate plans to compromise your economic well-being, compromise our national prosperity, compromise our national security, and compromise our national sovereignty. Conventional wisdom says this immigration reform effort is the result of both major political parties pandering to a huge potential new block of voters. That would merely be an ancillary benefit of a much grander "vision" for America – one in which your government intends to fleece, defraud, constrain, and otherwise abuse the American people.
Contrary to what President Bush and White House spokesmen would have you believe, this bill not only provides Amnesty for illegal aliens – there is nothing else of substance to it. This bill provides instant Amnesty for every one of the 12-20 million invaders estimated to be here, plus any other illegal able to get into the country over the next year or two. This is the primary goal of this legislation, as anyone can clearly read in the very first sentence of the proposed legislation, where the drafters stated that this instant Amnesty is not subject to any "triggers" or other delays.
Section 601(h) defines the Amnesty, and states there are no fines, penalties, etc., associated with that grant of Amnesty. Immediate "probationary status" will be granted within 24 hours of any illegal's application. The government will be allowed to waive fines for any illegal proving hardship! The government will be unable to investigate every applicant within 24 hours, yet it will hand them all an ID card permitting them to stay and work in the United States until the day they die. This Amnesty bill prohibits such a card ever being recalled if a future determination of ineligibility is made, and the government has no way to retrieve any of cards once issued, even if it wanted to.
When you think about it, whether or not any fines are ever associated with the conversion of an illegal's status to lawful citizen, this Amnesty bill rewards their illegal behavior with the "fruits of the crime." To put this in clear terms, say a man rapes a woman and is convicted of the crime. Amnesty could normally keep that man from going to jail to serve his sentence. This Amnesty would give him the woman! This Amnesty bill rewards everyone who illegal breaks into this country with permanent, legal residence in this country! For our Senate to agree to this is much more heinous and immoral that just forgiving the criminal behavior!
This bill grants Amnesty to every corporation who exploits illegal labor. Illicit profits they make will not be at risk. How then, exactly, will this Amnesty bill encourage future enforcement of our immigration laws?
This bill grants Amnesty to the extremely violent illegal gang members in this nation. These are the folks who routinely decapitate or otherwise mutilate those they murder. All a gang member must do is to sign a "renunciation of gang affiliation." Even more damning is the fact that a proposed amendment that would have prohibited known felons from gaining citizenship was defeated! Has the U.S. Senate lost its collective mind, along with its moral compass? How does providing a "path to citizenship" to these monsters improve our national security or prosperity? Additionally, this Amnesty bill would immediately halt ICE's efforts to deport these animals.
Despite the War on Terror, our nation remains at risk of terrorist attack, as was once again highlighted by the Fort Dix plot. This bill grants Amnesty to any illegal alien terrorist whose fingerprints are not on file; you should know the U.S. government does not have a database of every terrorist in the U.S. or worldwide. Under current law, when an Arab/Muslim illegal alien is found, s/he is immediately deported. The Amnesty bill would deprive the government of this power. The government will be overwhelmed processing the claims of 12-20 million anticipated applicants. There is no way that many people can be properly screened, when their probationary status must be confirmed within 24 hours of application. Please remember, our government approved visas for Mohamed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi six months after 9/11!
Fifty years ago President Eisenhower dealt with a flood of illegal immigrants by enforcing existing law. Despite his success, Congress enacted more immigration law in 1965, and then amnesty in 1986. Today, the Senate is making the same mistake, insisting our current flood of illegal immigration can only be solved by new law. This is simply not true.
NumbersUSA identifies the following Republican Senators as those being pressured to join President Bush by voting for the Amnesty Bill and against America and the American people:
* Alexander (R-TN)Bennett (R-UT)* Cochran (R-MS)* Coleman (R-MN)* Collins (R-ME)* Cornyn (R-TX)* Craig (R-ID)* Domenici (R-NM)  Gregg (R-NH)  Hatch (R-UT)  Hutchison (R-TX)  Kyl (R-AZ)  Lott (R-MS)* McConnell (R-KY)  Murkowski (R-AK)* Smith (R-OR)  Snowe (R-ME)  Stevens (R-AK)* Warner (R-VA)
(*Note the Senators up for re-election in 2008)
Clearly, you must turn up the heat even higher on your elected non-representatives. If this Amnesty Bill becomes law of the land, we will lose the America we have known for well over two hundred years. The de facto elimination of our borders will destroy our national sovereignty, and the financial burden of this shamnesty bill will complete the nation's bankruptcy. You must re-double your efforts and drive a stake through the heart of this blood-sucking bill, or we will lose our nation; it's as simple as that.

  • Contact your Senator. Insist s/he oppose S. 1348, or any legislation that 1) grants Amnesty to illegal alien invaders; 2) fails to establish an exit system, so illegals may not overstay their visas; 2) fails to fund enforcement provisions of the legislation; 3) gives Amnesty and probationary citizenship status before enforcement and penalties for violation of our laws; 4) fails to restore operational control of our borders; and 5) enhances the Security and Prosperity Partnership, or in any way supports development of the North American Union.
  • Contact the 15 Republican Senators listed above under pressure to change their vote.

Phone calls and letters are the most effective way to contact your elected representatives.
E-mails and faxes are many times ignored. Members of Congress have been changing their e-mail addresses and fax numbers when we send out alerts. If you prefer, though, you can send an e-mail by going to each member's website at http://thomas.gov.
If you are unsure who your Senators are, this link will tell you http://www.senate.gov/.
You may phone the United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the Senate office you request.
If you choose to write, and do not know your Senators' mailing addresses, you may simply address your letters as follows:
Office of Senator (Name)United States SenateWashington, D.C. 20510
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Join Us at the Freedom21 National ConferenceJuly 19-21, in Dallas, Texas
If you want all the latest information on the Security and Prosperity Partnership, a major building block of the coming North American Union, you should plan to attend next month's 8th Annual Freedom21 National Conference, held July 19 to 21 in Dallas, Texas. The Freedom21 conference should be on your "must do" list, as the speakers and presentations are always excellent. This year's conference is the only one of its kind to focus entirely on the debate over the creation of a North American Union.
The conference will feature addresses by Joseph Farah from WorldNetDaily, Henry Lamb, Patrick Wood, Michael Coffman, Cliff Kincaid, and Tom DeWeese, to name a very few. Rep. Ron Paul has been invited, but not confirmed. Phyllis Schlafly will be the Keynote Speaker.
Participants will learn about the Security and Prosperity Partnership, the Trans-Texas Corridor, the Kansas City Smart Port, the role of immigration to the process, and the connections of the SPP with Sustainable Development.
This year's program will conclude with an all-day training seminar conducted by Dan and Margaret Byfield. This seminar is designed to teach you how to organize your local community, how to approach your elected officials, and how to use the documentation to present a powerful case for opposing this movement toward a North American Union.
Each year the Freedom 21 conference educates, unites, inspires, and renews the spirit. You'll make new friends, and see many old friends, who are involved with these struggles. And, you'll have a lot of fun, too.
This promises to be the most educational and exciting conference of the year. Go to www.freedom21.org for all the details. Freedom21 is the gathering place for the freedom movement.
Make your reservations at https://secure.freedom.org/eco/f21-07.dyn, and please book your conference travel with Freedom21 Travel Services. If you don't want to use a credit card online, you may register by calling during business hours, 9-5 CT, Monday-Friday, at (731) 986-0099. The Freedom21 Federal Credit Union can help you finance the conference at http://www.freedom21fcu.org/.

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