A Personal Ministry Letter From Brannon Howse & WVW Foundation

Worldview Weekend Foundation1016 West Poplar Ave #106-228Collierville, TN 38017www.worldviewweekendfoundation.com Dear Worldview Weekend Foundation Friends,I want to thank each of you for being so kind and supportive of the work to which God has called us. We have so many things to report to you in this letter. We praise the Lord for the ministry outreach that is ever increasing. Let me share just a few highlights.Our webmaster has reported to us that in the month of August alone we had nearly 100,000 unique visitors to our website from 157 countries. August is normally a down month with summer vacations and school starting so we are eager to see what September and October numbers will be.On September 11th WorldviewRadio.com launched a weekly Bible study for ladies with Susan Heck. Susan’s teaching ministry is an outgrowth of her memorization work on the Bible. She has personally memorized 24 books of the New Testament word-for-word. Susan has been teaching the Word of God, verse by verse, to ladies for 30 years and her lessons have been commended by individuals such as Pastor John MacArthur.We were informed that in the first week that we launched this radio ministry that nearly 300 ladies requested the lessons via e-mail. In fact, the requests were so great that instead of ladies receiving them by sending an e-mail, Susan finally had to post the lessons on her website because of the volume of e-mails. We are so thankful for Susan and all the ladies around the world that are taking part in this Bible study. We are thankful to you for supporting the Worldview Weekend Foundation that allows us to offer and sponsor this ministry that is ministering to ladies.While we are thankful for the television and radio stations that carry our programs, the real growth has been through the technology of smart phone apps, Roku, internet streaming, Ipads, Apple-TV and other such devices.In addition to our own Worldview Weekend Radio and The Worldview Weekend Hour Television program, we are working to produce Biblically based radio and television programs hosted by others. Many of the programs we broadcast are unique to our broadcast ministry. In the past couple of years we have encouraged and trained men to start radio and television programs that we could distribute world-wide for free. In the past few months we have launched the radio ministry of Justin Peters, Jesse Johnson, Carl Teichrib, Mike Gendron and Mike Riddle. We also launched a weekly teaching program at www.worldviewweekendtv.com that is hosted by Mike Gendron and another program hosted by Mike Riddle.Mike Gendron, Mike Riddle, Justin Peters, Jesse Johnson, and some of our other broadcasters did not have a broadcast ministry until we approached them and encouraged them in this ministry and offered them the opportunity to be sponsored by us at WorldviewRadio.com. Thanks in part to your support of the Worldview Weekend Foundation; we are able to broadcast the Bible teaching of these men literally around the world.In September Justin Peters was in England and he said that at least three people told him they listen to his weekly program at WorldviewRadio.com. One man showed Justin his IPhone on which he had the Worldview Weekend app that allows him to hear all the teaching programs we host at no charge. Please tell your friends about our free app that allows them to listen to WorldviewRadio.com and watch WVWTV.com for free and on the go. They can find the app at www.worldviewweekend.com/app Here is a list of the radio programs we offer at www.WorldviewRadio.com at no charge as part of our broadcast ministry:Worldview Weekend Radio with Brannon HowseNo Compromise Radio with Mike AbendrothWomen with the Master with Susan HeckNoise of Thunder with Chris PintoCreation Training Radio with Mike RiddleProclaiming The Gospel TV and Radio with Mike GendronThe Justin Peters Program with Justin PetersForcing Change Radio with Carl TeichribImmanuel with Jesse JohnsonEncounter God's Truth with Dr. John WhitcombThe Truth About Islam with Usama DakdokProphecy Today with Dr. Jimmy DeYoungRunning to Win with Dr. Erwin LutzerSearch the Scriptures with T.A. McMahonHere are the Television Programs we offer at www.worldviewweekendTV.com at no charge as part of our broadcast ministry:Creation Training-TV with Mike Riddle (Monday)The Worldview Weekend Hour with Brannon Howse (Tuesday-Thursday)Prophecy Today-TV with Dr. Jimmy DeYoung (Friday & Saturday)Proclaiming the Gospel-TV with Mike Gendron (Sunday)I could share many other things that we are up to but for now I just wanted to give you this little update. I want you to be encouraged in how the Lord is using you to reach the world with the gospel and Biblical teaching through your partnership with us. I have been involved in broadcasting since about 1991 and I have been on the radio since 1995 in different capacities. I am stunned at the technology that is available to us today and the ability to literally broadcast to the entire world for a fraction of the cost in years prior.Today, we are being heard by people living in Communist countries. They are so thankful for the radio and television programs that are teaching them and encouraging them in Biblical truth.Please join us in praying that the Lord will continue to bring to our attention to those ministries that we can highlight, encourage, and offer as a resource to Christians world-wide. It is one thing to be a Biblical broadcaster but we believe God is calling us to multiply ourselves in others by finding those that pass the spiritual test of being worthy of teaching others. When we find such Biblically sound and mature individuals, we want to train them in how to produce a radio and/or television program and then use the platform entrusted to us by the Lord to bring them to a global audience.Needless to say we find ourselves under almost constant spiritual attack but if we were not piercing the darkness with the truth of God’s Word then we would not be receiving any opposition. Thus, we praise God for the attacks and persecution. What an honor to be with you on the front line of the spiritual battle for God’s honor and glory and the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Thank you for your partnership in ministry.In closing, several people have asked us to set up the ability for them to contribute automatically with a monthly contribution. You can set this up at www.worldviewweekendfoundation.com. You can still make a one-time or occasional contribution on our website as well. If you prefer to send a tax-deductible gift by check our address is at the top of this letter. Thank you again for partnering with us in ministry. Sincerely,Brannon HowseWorldview Weekend Foundationwww.worldviewweekendfoundation.com


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