Planned Parenthood Urges Supporters to Report Places of Worship

Planned Parenthood Urges Supporters to Report Places of Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri (PPKM) has asked its supporters, through Twitter, to "Report Personhood petition activity! Be our Eyes and Ears, particularly at and near places of worship!
The link leads you to page where people are directed to watch for efforts to collect signatures for a Missouri petition drive to redefine personhood. The Kansas City Star's story on the matter seems pretty straightforward. It claims that the movement, which would be superseded by the federal law anyway, is not universally embraced even among pro-lifers:
"If the amendment is meant to be a direct attack on Roe v. Wade, it is poorly advised," said a statement released by Missouri Right to Life. "Direct attacks in law, as in war, lead to defeat if they are mounted in the wrong circumstances. It gains nothing to act without a strategy that has a decent chance of succeeding."
I am ambivalent about this effort from Planned Parenthood to watch places of worship. On the one hand it is a bit chilling to know that a taxpayer funded organization is using those funds to watch and report what they see in church (presumably by peering over that wall of separation). On the other hand, anything that gets pro-choicers to attend a church service can't be all bad. Maybe this is just a brilliant attempt to win some more souls.
If you see some new faces this weekend or next, it may be a Planned Parenthood plant sent to watch over you and the others "that got away." Welcome them warmly, and make sure they sit up front so they won't miss a single minute.


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