Please Keep Praying for the Korean Hostages

Please Keep Praying for the Korean Hostages<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
"We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed." (2 Cor 4:8-9)
"Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you." (1 Sam 12:23)
The excerpts below speak for themselves.  Please read them, as well as the entirety of the articles from which they come.
Entire article:
Taliban weigh hostage fate after Bush and Karzai meet by Sayed Salahuddin
 "Taliban leaders are deciding what to do with 21 Korean hostages after Afghan President Hamid Karzai and U.S. President George Bush ruled out making any concessions to free them…"
"He [a Taliban commander] said the Taliban leadership would make the decision on the fate of the Christian volunteers."
"[H]e repeated the Taliban line that Bush and Karzai would be held responsible for whatever happens to the Koreans if the Afghan government does not release jailed Taliban members."
"The group had been invited to convert to Islam and the hostages told him they would study his offer.  'Again and again [We] have invited them to become Muslims and they said they will deliberate on it,' he said."
Entire article:
Killing Korean Christians by Mark Tooley
"Christian missionaries across the centuries, dating to the age of the Apostles, have long been careless about their safety, often to the point of martyrdom. Most especially, church groups in the West might be expected to express more outrage over the abduction and murder of their fellow Christians, 18 of whom are women."
"To date, groups such as the National Council of Churches in the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />U.S. have said nothing publicly about the outrages. Neither have most mainline denominations."
"But, at least in the U.S. and in the West, church officials are saying very little. The Swiss-based World Council of Churches issued a cryptic statement that declined even specifically to finger the Taliban as the killers and kidnappers. Their abduction is described almost in the passive voice." (emphases mine)
Do not for a moment fall for the propaganda that these are "extremists"!  This is happening all over the globe.
Take something closer to home.  For example, BROOKLYN, N.Y.!  Here are some excerpts from another article about how Muslims have tortured, beaten, slashed and otherwise assaulted someone over an "arranged" marriage gone awry.
Entire article:
Family Wouldn't let her marry for love  by Nancie L. Katz
"Her father promised her hand to a wealthy groom in their native Pakistan. But 15-year-old Miriam Khalid ran off with a poor Brooklyn boy instead.  Now, the teen's outraged dad and three relatives are on trial on charges of torturing her boyfriend's uncle in a bid to find the young lovers."
"'They tied his feet with rope and handcuffed his hands together,' prosecutor Samantha Magnani told a jury yesterday in Brooklyn Supreme Court. 'They beat him. They threatened to slit his throat.'"
"Magnani said both families attended the same Brooklyn mosque and all was well until two years ago. That's when Miriam, then 15, fell for Hussain's nephew, 19-year-old Usaman Rana. She moved in with him and his uncle."
"Khalid and his relatives ambushed Hussain on Aug. 10, 2006, as he entered his fourth-floor apartment on W. Sixth St."
"Magnani said the assault continued for several hours, with Hussain screaming in pain as he was struck with a pipe and a hammer and slashed with knives.  One man held a gun to his head, threatening to kill him, she said. Finally, they hit his head so hard he passed out, she said."
 So, what can we do about this?  Here are several suggestions:
1.      Realize that the Islamists' desire to rule the world and install Sharia Law in your backyard is REAL;
2.      Spread the word and take steps locally to resist (Jas 4:7);
3.      Do not be deceived by the multicultural /tolerance-of-evil propaganda (Gal 6:7);
4.      PRAY! Despite what you think ("this could never happen in my backyard"), remember Brooklyn!  It is happening here, now! 
5.      Pray for God's Intervention.  When God's people were surrounded and without hope, the Lord and His Hosts intervened.  He will not be mocked! (Ex 14; 1 Sam 14:15-23, 17:50; 2 Chron 20:3-22; Acts 5:19, 12:5-11; Gal 6:7)
6.      Pray for our S. Korean brethren!  Their lives may depend on our fervent prayers!  (1 Sam 12:23)     

Very Relevant Articles:
            Domestic Terror in Iran by Amir Taheri
Radical Islam Warrants More Government Intrusion, Says Blankley by Kevin Mooney
No Apologies Necessary by Bob Parks
Exclusive: Wake Up, America!  Wake Up Judeo-Christians!  Wake Up Western Civilization! by Peter Feaman
Pray with us:
"Lord, please intervene on behalf of Your faithful Korean Missionaries.  Set them free as You change the hearts and spirits of their captors.  Thank You, Lord.  In Jesus' Name, Amen."


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