The Power of God To Transform a Life

The Power of God To Transform a Life

"I was a true atheist, addicted to pornography and a big fan of torture. I hated the Bible and literally looked at "contract killer" as a career option. I favored Darwinian abortion of potentially disabled children and agreed with the majority of Adolph Hitler's statements about the disabled and invalid. I fantasized about murder and contemplated suicide and held nothing but hatred in my heart for anyone who told me I was wrong. In Short, I was the most degenerate scum to ever walk the Earth. That God saved me is still so far beyond my comprehension I have to wake up every day and think "wow." "Nowadays, I work at the church I once hated going to. I greet daily a pastor I once did everything in my power to ignore, and I serve as an assistant to a youth leader I once despised. I play in the Sunday band and teach drums to young boys of the congregation for extra income. I teach Sunday school and am a regular fixture at the weekly prayer meetings and church events. People who have known me throughout the process have told me how astonishing it is to have seen the transformation. But no one is as impressed as me with how God has changed my heart and my life."So, that's me. I'm a 6'6", 19 year old motorcyclist who plays drums, carries a Bible, vacuums a church, writes scripts that will never be made films, and carries around a hefty supply of the Way of the Master Radio on his IPod." Jacques Reulet


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