Preaching homosexuality is sin while I can

Preaching homosexuality is sin while I can
The hate-crimes legislation that grants homosexuals, lesbians, and transgendered people elite citizen status is reality. My wife and I have both repented of homosexual sin, and it appears time to testify grows shorter by the day.
Why? Because it is a short step from implementing "hate crimes" to outlawing "hate speech." And what, you ask, is hate speech? Hate speech will be defined as anything that is threatening or harmful to homosexuals. You know, like calling homosexual sex "sin." Like telling homosexuals they are sinners in need a Savior.
The days of preaching in freedom and Truth may well be over. I believe we are in judgment. The Lord, our Lord, has turned His face from this nation. Homosexuality and abortion are a stench in his nostrils. There is a dullness upon the whole nation. For the nation, as Pastor John MacArthur has noted, has lost its ability to reason.
And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper... (Romans 1:28)
And God's people, while appreciative of grace and love, have ignored His other attributes. He is righteous. He is holy. And He is pure. There will be a reckoning for what we have allowed this country to become. Indeed, that reckoning is here. Consider this the lull before the storm.
My God has taken me through heroin and alcohol addiction, the streets, congestive heart failure, and malignant melanoma. He has eased my anxieties, and taken me out of the darkest depression. He has given me repentance for my homosexual sin.
I don't watch Oprah, I do not belong to the 12 Step religion, so I am not going to recount past perversions that shame me. But I will say this. Christ is King. He is indeed merciful and gracious. He wants to deliver us from our sin and bondage.
My message is not to homosexuals, some of whom are incredibly kind people, and are captive to a strong and unholy deception. This is for the  Body of Christ: The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. (Proverbs 9:10)
Your time to freely bring the Salvation message to homosexuals, and all others who face the torment of hell, is drawing to a close. Turn off your television, and go do what you are supposed to do.
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