President Bush Is Sinning

President Bush Is Sinning<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
"Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne."(Ps 89:14a)
"Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent – the Lord detests them both." (Prov 17:15)
"Also, to punish the righteous is not good." (Prov 17:26a)
"It is not good to show partiality to the wicked, or to overthrow the righteous in judgment." (Prov 18:5)
As you can see from the quotes just above, the Lord takes JUSTICE very seriously.  In fact, it is one of two foundations of His Throne. [As an aside, following the Rule of Law is perhaps the most important secular reason our country has prospered.]
Regarding Justice, it is very important to the Lord that people be treated justly; that innocent people be acquitted and guilty people be condemned!  He DETESTS it when innocent men are found guilty and punished (see above quotes).  It is a fearsome thing to knowingly violate this Biblical principle!  Having God detest your deeds should be terrifying. 
"What does this have to do with President Bush?  Harry, how can you accuse him of sinning?" 
Answer: You may be familiar with the issue of the two Border Agents who were arrested, tried and put in solitary confinement for doing their job trying to stop a Mexican drug smuggler. 
It appears the President, under pressure from Mexican authorities and in hopes of appealing to the Latino vote, was complicit in these agents being dealt with in this fashion.  One of Bush's closest friends, fellow Texan U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, seems to have been urged to pursue this draconian policy. 
Some of the above is conjecture based on inside information and observation of facts which have come out in the trials (see below). 
However, it is absolute fact that President Bush has followed this case closely, has been in cahoots with his "very close friend" Johnny Sutton, and (most significantly) has REFUSED to commute the sentences or PARDON these agents who were only guilty of doing their jobs. 
People of great importance in the conservative movement and the Republican Party have written the President, urging him to overturn these sentences.  He has refused!!  That is fact!  Meanwhile, these two men rot in solitary confinement for 10 years!  (Remember how quickly Scooter Libby's sentence was commuted.)
Thankfully the sentence so ardently sought by Sutton (obviously with the President's tacit approval) was the subject of a new hearing by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on December 3. 
Before we present excerpts from an article which discusses this very complicated case, let me explain how I can say "Bush Is Sinning" (which I publicly asked one of his closest advisors to warn the President – "that God is not happy with this and will not smile on his presidency because of it").
Again, let's review the situation from what we believe is God's perspective.  Here we have two men who, according to unbiased news reports, have been unnecessarily persecuted by high authorities and jailed for long periods in solitary confinement.  They should never have been accused or found guilty (important exculpatory evidence was withheld by Attorney Sutton AND the judge).  Despite the pleas of very upright people of high integrity, the President REFUSES to overturn the decision and set them free.  Why?  Ask Johnny Sutton, Karl Rove and President Bush himself.
But, God is on the Throne and He detests this politically-based perversion of JUSTICE.  It is sin! 
Here are some excerpts from an article which unpacks the details involved (Please read the entire article, in order to truly understand):
Border Agents case gets holiday push by Johanna Neuman
"Conservatives expressed bitter disappointment Friday that President Bush did not use the Thanksgiving holiday to pardon two U.S. border agents who have been imprisoned for a year for shooting and injuring a man now accused of drug smuggling." "'We had hoped that President Bush, who was compassionate enough to pardon two turkeys in the Rose Garden, might also have had enough compassion to pardon two law enforcement officers who spent their lives defending us at the border,' said Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA).""A group of Christian and evangelical leaders -- including Paul M. Weyrich of the Free Congress Foundation… excoriated Bush, saying his inaction ran counter to compassionate conservatism and Christian values."
"Johnny Sutton, the U.S. attorney for the western district of Texas, has defended the decision to prosecute the border agents."
"Critics also are angry at the administration for keeping the two border agents in a medium-security prison that houses a large contingent of drug offenders, meaning Ramos and Compean must be kept in solitary confinement 23 hours a day."

Additional relevant articles:
Judge: Prosecutors May Have Overreacted in Case Against Border Patrol Agents Associated Press
Agents' pardon urged of Bush by Sara A. Carter
Johnny on the Spot in Agent Appeal Investors Business Daily Editorial
Join us in Prayer:
"Lord, it is fearsome to reject You and Your Laws.  We fear for our Nation and our President for turning away from what is Biblically right and just.  Please bring REPENTANCE so we may do what is right. 
"May Ramos and Compean be set free and allowed to return to their families.  In Jesus' Name, Amen."


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