Pro-Life, for Dolphins

Pro-Life, for Dolphins<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Many would have seen on the evening news last night stirring scenes of protesters surfing out into the ocean to thwart Japanese whalers who were killing dolphins. A number of protestors, including US and Australian actors, surfed out to where the activities were taking place in the hopes of stopping the killing.
The newscast story featured the camera lingering on American actress Hayden Panettiere who was sobbing uncontrollably upon returning to shore. In what seemed like an eternity, the cameras zoomed in on this distraught young <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Hollywood starlet, capturing her grief for these poor dolphins.
All in all it was a very moving and emotive news item, and one certainly felt concern for those dolphins, and admired the activism of these celebrities. Yet while it is always a good thing to be a compassionate people, and to show concern for helpless animals being harmed or killed, can I suggest that I am not fully swayed by all this. Indeed, call me cynical if you like, but I can smell some double standards and hypocrisy here big time.
What these Hollywood heartthrobs are doing of course is taking a strong pro-life stand. Yet one wonders where their activism is when it comes to the most important pro-life cause, the plight of unborn humans. Are they also putting their lives on the line, complete with megamedia presence, to save the unborn child from the horrible slaughter that awaits them at an abortion mill?
I do not know anything about the star of Heroes, but if Hayden Panettiere is like most Hollywood types, it is quite possible that she may even have had an abortion or two herself. Even if not, she may well be firmly in the pro-abortion camp, as most of the left-leaning, secular Hollywood folk are.
Hey, I don't neccessarily begrudge her concerns to curb dolphin culling. But I would like to know what she is doing to curb the human baby culling which – with all due repect – seems to me to be a much more urgent and pressing moral issue today.
Does she weep uncontrollably – and in front of the TV cameras – outside of an abortion clinic? Does she do all she can to stop the slaughter there? Does she recruit fellow Hollywood heavyweights to stop this carnage? Unless I have missed something, I do not recall seeing her or many other Hollywoodians showing the slightest concern about our abortion holocaust.
Australian actress Isabel Lucas, who was also involved in the protest, said "We couldn't save these whales, but hopefully shining the light on their deaths will save others." Again, stirring words and lofty ideals. But until I see the same rhetoric and action applied to unborn babies, I just will remain doubtful about this crusade, and about just how serious these celebs really are.
Consider this incredible remark from Australian professional surfer Dave Rastovich: "The reason we surfers were there was to share the blood-stained waters at eye-level with our ocean kin awaiting their execution". OK, let me see if I have this straight. Dolphins are our "kin," our blood brothers, evidently. Yet our own unborn children are not? Why are dolphins part of our family, but our own children in the womb are regarded as strangers, aliens, indeed, intruders? So are we are to applaud the execution of babies, yet condemn the execution of dolphins?
And consider more moral outrage from Rastovich: "With many nets and kill boats waiting beyond the cove, the fishermen's intense desire to kill left no room for escape". Just change a few words in that statement and you have a perfectly fitting description of the abortion mill. Abortionists are about one thing: killing babies (and making a lot of money doing it). Why no outrage from the surfer over this atrocity? Why whales, but not babies?
Media Complicity
The media of course does not help much here. In fact, it is part of the problem.. The item on last night's TV news was one big piece of emotive, guilt-manipulating propaganda, to be frank. And today's newspaper articles are little better. Consider some of the headlines that have appeared:
"Surfers make daring mission to protest dolphin killings." Why is it a "daring mission" when dolphin pro-lifers do their thing, but when human pro-lifers seek to undertake similar actions, they are called religious zealots, the moral Taliban, intolerant bigots, and nutcases who are seeking to impose their morality on others?
Why is it OK to impose your anti-whaling morality on others, with complete media complicity, yet when an anti-abortion campaigner does the identical thing concerning an even more deserving victim, the media ignores it or condemns it? Why the double standards here?
Consider another headline (predictably, from the Melbourne Age): "I couldn't believe how red the water was, whale kill witness says". Very emotive indeed. I await the day when a similar Age headline shouts out, "I couldn't believe how bloody the room was, baby kill witness says".
The truth is, pictures of bloody whales are featured in the media all the time. Why? Because they know darn well that public exposure to such bloody images will sway public opinion against whale killing. Indeed, Rastovich made this quite clear: "Despite the fishermen taking great pains to hide their acts of cruelty, we seized an opportunity to bring this travesty to the world's attention."
And this is exaclty why you will never see bloody images of the abortionists' work featured in the mainstream media. Why? Because the MSM is overwhelmingly leftist, secular and pro-abortion. They know darn well if they start being honest with the public, and show the bloody aftermath of a "woman's right to choose" that the public will quickly and decisively turn against the killing fields of the abortion industry. Or to paraphrase Rastovich, the abortionists are taking great pains to hide their acts of cruelty. Pro-lifers merely seek to seize an opportunity to bring this travesty to the world's attention.
Much of the media has effectively been lying to the public by refusing to tell it like it is concerning abortion. It is quite happy to tell it like it is concerning whaling or dolphin hunitng, because that issue is the trendy, lefty flavour of the month, and because it gives young starlets a chance to prove they are more than blonde bimbos, but may in fact have a conscience, and are willing to be involved in social issues of the day.
But can I suggest that if they really want to prove how conscientious they are, and really want to make a lasting difference to the moral and social fabric of our nation, that they start taking on the really important cause, and be a real hero, by standing up for the unborn – the most defenceless, the most innocent, and the most abused and exploited group on planet earth.


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