Proselytizing Moslems


Proselytizing Moslems – Ray Comfort<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

"Still waiting to hear about your open air preaching in front of a mosque. Or don't Muslims deserve to hear your preaching?" IagoIt seems that this question is important to you because you have asked this about as many times as you have asked how old I considered the earth to be. So I will try to give you an answer. I never preach outside of Mosques, Kingdom Halls, <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Indian Temples, etc., in an attempt to proselytize. However, if I saw a crowd of people who happened to be sitting around outside a Mosque, a Kingdom Hall or a Temple, I hope I would have the courage to preach to them. I would simply say that they need not try and find everlasting life through their own works, but that it comes as a gift of God, through Jesus Christ. I did this outside an Anglican church in New Zealand to crowds almost every day for 12 years. They allowed me to park on their property and keep my "soapbox" in their church.I also preached outside of a Catholic church in Milan, Italy, to a large crowd, a couple of years ago. Just after I finished speaking, the Italian police held me for a hour, and the top police officer yelled at me for about an hour--threatening (among other things) to seize all of our camera gear. He was in plain clothes, and was extremely angry because he believed that we had taken his photo. We had, so I apologized, signed a form of guilt, and he let me go. But not before he posed with me for a picture.

Pegged, by a Bronze-age Book

"Someone else being punished for your crimes is not 'justice.' ...I am quite familiar with the Doctrine of Substitutionary Atonement, and I find it to be an unethical doctrine, and an unjust one." LurkerLook at how the "bronze-age book," written thousands of years ago, puts its finger on the motives of the professed atheist:"The wicked one in the pride of his countenance will not seek, inquire for, and yearn for God; all his thoughts are that there is no God [so He never punishes]. His ways are grievous [or persist] at all times; Your judgments [Lord] are far above and on high out of his sight [so he never thinks about them]; as for all his foes, he sniffs and sneers at them. He thinks in his heart, I shall not be moved; for throughout all generations I shall not come to want or be in adversity" (Psalm 10:4-6, Amplified Bible).He is wicked--filled with lust, ingratitude to God for the gift of life, denial of God's existence, failure to seek after Him, willful ignorance--he "will" not seek after God. He thinks that there is no God, but notice why. It's because of moral responsibility towards Him. The atheist has no understanding of eternal justice--God's judgments are far above out of his sight. His attitude is one of condescension towards the thought of divine justice, and he lives in a dream-world of thinking that life will never send him the ultimate curveball.
What is "Life"?
"... no-one here is claiming that anyone can make material objects from nothing, except you and the other Raytheists." That's true. We are claiming that the eternal source of all life can make (and made) material objects, from nothing. Atheists don't claim that "anyone" can (or did) make material objects from nothing. They claim that nothing can (and did) make material objects from nothing. Of course, whenever I say that, I get railed on. Professing atheists know how silly that sounds and so they say that they believe that something created everything, they just don't know what that "something" was. As I have said many times before, they are therefore not atheists. A number of people have been wanting me to define "life." That's not difficult. God is life, and He is the well-spring of all human life. When God became a human being, Jesus continually spoke of Himself as being the source of life. He said he was "the way, the truth and the life," "the resurrection and the life," "I have come that you might have life," and the Bible says "In Him was life." The Apostle Paul further said, "Christ, who is our life." Jesus said that His words were life, and with His words raised that dead and warned that all that are in the graves will one day hear His voice and be raised for judgment. So when you reject God's mercy in Jesus Christ, you aren't rejecting a religion. You are rejecting the most precious thing in the universe--life itself.

The Power and Intelligence of Men

"Hey Ray, seen the news lately? We've been able to 'create' synthetic life. Seems we're almost as powerful as God ;) give it a few years, Ray, and we'll be creating our own life. God won't be so important then, will he. He's looking like a weak God right about now! Outdone by his own creation!" BluYou are right. If scientists were able to actual create new life, they would be pretty powerful---and very intelligent. It's not something that would just happen. I'm sure you would agree. It takes super intelligence to create life. Life needs an Intelligent Designer.One problem: "Genetics pioneer J. Craig Venter announced Thursday that he and his team have created artificial life for the first time. CNN: 'Did you create new life?' Venter: 'We created a new cell. It's alive. But we didn't create life from scratch" (italics added).1. Duh. They used God's material, so they didn't create life at all. We are neither intelligent or powerful. If we were one billionth as intelligent or as powerful as God, we might even be able to plug an oil spill.

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