A Public Statement From Ray Comfort on His Speaking At A Conference With Prosperity Gospel Speakers

A Public Statement From Ray Comfort on His Speaking At A Conference With Prosperity Gospel Speakers
Dear Brother and Sister:
You and I both love our Savior, and because we have been forgiven much, we share a passion to see lost souls saved from Hell.  It is the highest honor and greatest duty of the Christian to proclaim the saving Gospel.  That has been my passion for thirty years. 
            Because of my profound concern that souls are saved for the glory of God,  I have spoken in nearly a thousand churches, not from one particular denomination, but from almost every denomination. I believe this has happened because I  believe our churches are filled with false converts because we have moved away from biblical evangelism.   The fields are white for the harvest, and those fields are frequently inside of evangelical churches of all denominations. 
            I have never turned down any request to speak because I thought that the church's doctrine was unbiblical. In fact, they are the invitations I have gladly accepted because I know that false conversions are the fruit of their heretical doctrines. Unsaved people sit in pews in the millions in this country because they have never heard the biblical gospel--and I have to say with Paul, "How will they hear without a preacher?"
            What I have been doing for all these years has been below the radar screen of public scrutiny, until recently. Suddenly the spotlights are on and I am targeted (and fired at) as one that is endorsing false doctrine.
            I am not and have never been a prosperity preacher. I think it is a great error to say that Jesus was rich, etc., or to come to Him for wealth. I preach the simple gospel of Jesus Christ crucified for the sin of the world. That is the heart and soul of my preaching and teaching.
            May I implore you, dear friend--what would you do?  Imagine you were invited to speak at an event or church where false teaching has created false converts. You know that a thousand people will hear a true Gospel presentation from your lips. Would you turn down the invitation?
            I know that not everyone agrees with me on this issue.  Please, consider my ministry, and my heart.  I know we can disagree on this issue and still love one another, can't we?   
            And so, I will continue to preach open air to anyone who will listen, to preach at atheist conventions if I am invited, and to preach to those who are deceived by false doctrine. That may mean that my so-called reputation will be marred, and that I will feel the pain of what is commonly called "friendly fire."  I simply wanted you to understand my heart. Thank you for considering this. 


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