A resolution on freemasonry has been submitted to the Resolution Committee of the Southern Baptist for consideration

The following resolution on freemasonry has been submitted to the Resolution Committee of the Southern Baptist for consideration. The last time such a resolution made it to the floor of the convention they dodged the issue by saying they don't dictate to the churches. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Freemasonry and Current Events
Whereas, Freemasonry has been featured in the National Treasure movies over the last few years; and
            Whereas, Freemasonry is currently the subject of documentaries on such TV channels as the History Channel and A&E, as well as other TV channels; and
            Whereas, Freemasonry and other secret societies have been mentioned in the widely read books, Angels and Demons and The DaVinci Code, written by Dan Brown ;and
            Whereas, Dan Brown's next book, The Lost Symbol, to be released in September of this year, will almost certainly feature Freemasonry as indicated in the code found on the jacket of The DaVinci Code; and
            Whereas, the publication of this new book scheduled to have a phenomenal first edition    of five million books, will no doubt renew interest in this subject; and
            Whereas, the North American Mission Board (NAMB) has published a document, A Bridge to Light: An Examination of the Religious Teachings of the Scottish Rite, which states that "many of the religious teachings presented in A Bridge to Light are incompatible with Biblical Christianity", such as "A Bridge to Light Teaches a Works Salvation," and "A Bridge to Light Denies the Uniqueness of Jesus" (see NAMB.net); and
            Whereas, the North American Mission Board has also produced another document, A Comparison Chart - Freemasonry and Christianity, which states that "the teaching that followers of non-Christian religions will also go to heaven is prominent in Freemasonry" (see NAMB.net).
            Be it Therefore lovingly and prayerfully Resolved, That Southern Baptists refrain from membership in Masonic lodges in light of the underlying philosophies which contradict "the faith which was once delivered unto the saints."


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