Rick Perry And The HPV Vaccine: Would A Real Conservative Attempt To Forcibly Vaccinate 12 Year Old Girls For A Sexually Transmitted Disease?

The debate about Rick Perry and the HPV vaccine is a battle for the very soul of the Republican Party. Right now, Rick Perry is parading around the country talking about how "conservative" he is, but would a real conservative attempt to forcibly vaccinate 12 year old girls for a sexually transmitted disease? If Rick Perry really wants government to be as "inconsequential" in our lives as possible, then why did he issue an executive order that mandated that 12 year old girls in the state of Texas be injected with a highly controversial vaccine? Rick Perry did not even consult the Texas legislature and he spat right in the face of parental rights when he did this. Conservatives in the United States love to talk about how much they love individual liberty and about how much they love parental rights, but they keep supporting candidates that are trampling on our liberties and our freedoms. Forcing young girls to be injected with a highly controversial government-mandated STD vaccine is something that we would expect Barack Obama to do. Rick Perry keeps saying that he wishes he would "have done it differently", but you will notice that he is not saying that he was wrong for trying to do it at all. The really sad thing is that you have all kinds of "conservative Republicans", "evangelical Christians" and "Tea Party activists" running around defending Rick Perry on the HPV vaccine issue. All of those people should be absolutely ashamed of themselves.
Why in the world should we be injecting pre-teen girls with highly controversial vaccines that are supposed to "protect" them against the consequences of "unsafe sex" in the first place?
If Bill Clinton had tried to pull such a stunt, social conservatives would have had a field day.
But because the conservative media has told them that they are supposed to worship Rick Perry they are giving him a free pass.
It says a lot about the Republican Party today that "Slick Rick" is currently leading in the polls.
Look, you can support Rick Perry if you want, but if you do, don't even try to pretend that you are a "conservative" anymore. As I have written about previously, Rick Perry has a long track record of doing things that Tea Party activists should abhor. Rick Perry has dramatically increased government spending in Texas, the size of the debt in Texas and the size of government in Texas. Rick Perry is incredibly soft on illegal immigration and he was leading the charge to develop the Trans-Texas Corridor which would have been part of the planned NAFTA superhighway system.
Click here for complete article:http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/rick-perry-and-the-hpv-vaccine-would-a-real-conservative-attempt-to-forcibly-vaccinate-12-year-old-girls-for-a-sexually-transmitted-disease


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