Rick Perry Is Finished

Rick Perry Is FinishedPosted on Friday, September 23 @ 10:49:47 EDT Topic: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC

Americans for Legal Immigration PACFor National ReleaseSeptember 23, 2011 CONTACT: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) [email protected] (866) 703-0864 Texas Governor Perry destroyed his chances of winning the GOP Presidential primary during last night's debate when he defended his support for in-state tuition for illegal aliens which is opposed by 81% of all Americans. "Rick Perry proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is not the right choice for America by supporting these radical illegal immigration attracting measures," said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. "Perry's support for in-state tuition for illegals forces taxpayers to pay to replace their own children in the limited seats in our colleges!" Prior to 2005, several states like Texas passed in-state tuition for illegals into law without adequate public or lawmaker debate and knowledge. In 2005, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC defeated North Carolina's HB 1183's In-state tuition for illegal immigrants and then went on to use new strategies to defeat similar measures in 20 other states. Americans for Legal Immigration PAC has become a top voice in America representing the over 80% of US citizens opposed to this measure. Rick Perry was heavily booed for the second time last night as he continued to promote in-state tuition for illegal aliens. Mitt Romney opposed Perry's positions and pointed out that Perry's in-state tuition for illegal aliens law was forcing Texans to pay approximately $100,000 in tax monies to support each of the current 16,000 illegal immigrants in Texas colleges. Romney went on to paraphrase ALIPAC's platform "Comprehensive Immigration Enforcement" which includes adequately enforcing America's existing immigration and border laws by cracking down on employers, securing the borders, and removing taxpayer benefits for illegals like Perry's tuition breaks. "GOP voters cannot vote for Rick Perry now without legitimizing and supporting in-state tuition for illegal immigrants," said William Gheen. "Perry has assured his own defeat despite the fact that he is receiving so much support and favoritism from globalist groups in the media. It is clear to me that the globalists who are responsible for illegal immigration in America are using their power to promote Rick Perry at this time." The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has just released a new study illustrating that 81% of the 'new jobs' created in Texas under Rick Perry have been taken by legal and illegal immigrants instead of suffering American citizens. VIDEORick Perry Booed Again For Illegal Immigrant Support Plan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJ0POI1PUdI For more information, to join the fight against illegal immigration, or to schedule interviews please visit www.ALIPAC.us

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