Rick Perry's Dangerous Muslim Compromise

Rick Perry's dangerous Muslim compromise

There's no doubt that Texas Gov. Rick Perry has made a massive national splash in recent weeks by calling for a large prayer and fasting rally in the Texas' Reliant Stadium. The gathering garnered widespread support, as it should have, from a broad spectrum of evangelical Christians throughout America.
Even nominal Christians will admit that the United States now more than ever, deeply needs the church to pray. But while many Christians fully supported the call to pray and fast for our nation, many were also rightfully leery of Perry's prominent involvement in the event, particularly in light of the fact that it only preceded his official announcement to run for president by a week. While evangelicals should no doubt be looking for a president with integrity, humility and a reliance on Jehovah God to guide this nation, we must also be extremely cautious of throwing our full support behind anyone simply because he makes a good public showing of his Christian faith.
And as the inevitable onslaught of public scrutiny begins, some of it will no doubt be pure demagoguery. But conservatives must be careful not to disregard every criticism offhand. As the primaries begin, conservatives must take the time to thoroughly vet all candidates to see who will present us not only with the best candidate to defeat Obama, but also the best person to lead the nation forward.
That said, right out of the chute, of cause for deep concern is an apparently close relationship Perry has fostered over the years with a Muslim leader know as "His Highness" Prince Shah Karim Al-Husayni, the Aga Khan IV.
Al-Husayni is the spiritual leader of the Shiite sect of Nizari Ismaili Muslims. Nizaris, a group with roughly 18 million adherents, believe that Al-Husayni is both the physical and spiritual descendant of Islam's prophet, Muhammad. Nizaris refer to Al-Husayni with such grandiose titles as the Imâm-I-Zaman (Imam of the Age) and "the Face of Allah."
Click here for complete article:http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.printable&pageId=333701


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