Rick Warren: A Shill for Terror

Rick Warren: A Shill for Terror
By Joe Kaufman On October 1, 2010

A plethora of terror-related individuals surrounds the profile of Pastor Rick Warren on the "Speakers Corner" of the official website of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). He is fully aware of how he is being portrayed on the site (as this author has had correspondence with his office regarding the matter) but refuses to demand its deletion and offers no apology for its existence. Pastor Warren has become a shill for Islamic terror.
"As-salamu Alaykum. I come to you today deeply humbled and honored by this invitation. I truly mean that. I applaud your courage for inviting an Evangelical pastor. Thank you." This was the opening statement of Rick Warren, the leading pastor of the influential Southern California Saddleback Church, as he stood in front of the attendees of ISNA's 46th Annual Convention in July 2009.
He spoke these words as he stood at the podium emblazoned with ISNA's logo, an image that, for many, is a symbol of terror and stealth jihad.
ISNA is an American arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. It was founded in 1981 by a group of individuals which included the North American leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Sami al-Arian.
In 2007 and 2008, ISNA was named by the United States Justice Department as a willing participant in the financing of millions of dollars to Hamas.
All of this and much more had been made public prior to Pastor Warren's invitation to speak at ISNA's convention, but all of it was ignored.
At the convention, Warren's fellow speakers included: Siraj Wahhaj, an "unindicted co-conspirator" of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing; Zulfiqar Ali Shah, the former South Asia Director of KindHearts, a Hamas fundraising group that was shut down by the FBI in February 2006; and Naeem Muhammad, a U.S. staff member of Islamic Relief, a "charity" that the Israeli government has claimed is a front for Hamas.
Did Warren vet the other speakers at the event? If he did, like with ISNA's terror-related past, the concerns were willfully ignored.
And today, he continues to ignore the problems with ISNA, as a photo of him along with his biography are featured prominently on ISNA's official website [1], within what the group calls its "Speakers Corner."
That makes Mr. Warren a current assigned speaker for ISNA, a designation that he seems to have absolutely no problem with.
In an e-mail addressed to this author, dated February 1, 2010, Warren's Chief of Staff at Saddleback, David Chrzan, had the following to say regarding Warren's status on ISNA's site: "The website you reference lists Pastor Warren as one of the speakers at the 2009 ISNA Conference held in Washington DC this past July. Pastor Warren's bio on the site does not represent an endorsement of ISNA or its activities, but rather as one of the speakers who was invited to address the conference."
It has now been well over a year since ISNA had its 2009 annual convention. Indeed, ISNA concluded its 2010 convention this past July 5th. So if Warren's portrait was just about the 2009 event, why is it still there?
Of course, having one's picture on the ISNA site is more than just the remnant of a one-off speaking engagement. It's an acknowledgement from those whose photos are displayed that ISNA is somehow a legitimate institution that should be supported.
Click here for complete article:http://frontpagemag.com/2010/10/01/rick-warren-terrorisms-useful-idiot/print/


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