Roku channel launched! The Worldview Weekend Situation Room is now available to members Through Roku

Roku channel launched. The Worldview Weekend Situation Room is now available to members at this link as a private channel. The public channel will be available soon but we wanted SR members to know how they could access it even now by going to the link below and following the instructions.  If you are not a member of the Worldview Weekend Situation Room please go to this link first to register as a member and then go to the link above to access the WVW Situation Room through Roku. 
We will be rolling out the WVW Situation Room app for iPhone. IPad, and Android before the end of the month. WVW Situation Room contains over $6,000 in resources and growing for only $59.95 per year. With Roku you can now watch our more than 100 DVDs on your TV with Roku and the Worldview Weekend Situation Room Channel. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

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