Should Ryan Dobson Be Promoting .xxxchurch?

Warning: This e-mail is not for children and many adults will be offended. However, it is important to understand the Dangers of the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Emerging Church and their methology. It is time for Christian leaders to clearly state where they stand. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Please read this and take our poll located at  the top our home page:
UPDATE: Ryan Dobson on his site, does not link to the most objectionable page on his website that was once there. However, he is still pushing the .xxxchurch ministry and the video  that is even more objectionable than than  website that had been linked on his site.  We don't suggest you watch the entire video. The movie trailer is tame compared to the full movie. It is just simply indefensible to push and promote this video.

In addition, we did have some folks e-mail Ryan's organization before we ran the article and the content of the page did not change. Ryan, like many Christians, seems to try and use Matthew 18 to say we were wrong in bringing up this issue as we did. Please read this article for a correct understanding of Matthew 18:
Rob Bell, Emerging Church author, has also promoted .xxxchurch. Aftter many Christian leaders heard about President Ronald Reagan's anti-pornography commission report (The Meese Commission) what do they think of .xxxchurch? What do today's Pastors and pro-family leaders think about the Emerging Church and their methodology?
Warning: Movie Trailer Promoting .xxxchurch is graphic. Not suitable for children (or adults for that matter)
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