Should You Be Concerned About Losing Access to Your Facebook Account Over Your Conservative Worldview?

Should You Be Concerned About Losing Access to Your Facebook Account Over Your Conservative Worldview?  By Brannon S. Howse  On Friday morning (June 21, 2013) I discovered that my Facebook page was not allowing me to login as the administrator. On June 19th and 20th I posted a link to two radio programs and a few articles that were in opposition to the immigration bill. Thursday night I posted a link to my radio program in which I and a reporter with discussed the horrible nature of the immigration bill. I have never been locked out as the administrator of my Facebook page and this only occurred after posting these two radio programs and a few articles against the immigration bill. The founder of Facebook supports the immigration bill. Why has this never happen before and why did this happen after several postings against the immigration bill? I could see my Facebook page in its entirety if I was not logged in. However, as soon as I logged in, I could only see the masthead of my FB page. I tried to login on several devices with no success. This has never happen in all my years of being on Facebook. I e-mailed the support center of Facebook on June 22nd as an advertiser with Facebook and received immediate response on Monday and was told it was a problem on my computer. I explained why this was not the case as I could not login on any computer. I received a response again within less than two hours and I suggested that they look to see if my opposition to the immigration bill had caused me to be locked out of administrating my Facebook page. After suggesting this, all e-mails from Facebook stopped for over 24 hours. I then went to work researching for e-mail addresses of FB departments. I sent an e-mail to their advertising department, press department and two other departments notifying them that I was prepared to send an e-mail to over 200,000 on our e-mail list explaining this odd occurrence. I informed them that I would make this odd occurrence the focus of a radio program. I also informed them that if I was going to be locked out of my own page as the administrator then and I would ask my attorney to begin the necessary action to have Facebook refund the over $12,000 we had spent with Facebook to advertise our Facebook page and develop followers. After 29 hours of not hearing anything from Facebook, and within 15 minutes of sending the e-mail to various Facebook departments, my Facebook page remarkably opened up on both my computer and Ipad and other devices. The question I would like answered is why did this happen and did it have anything to do with posting articles and radio programs on my Facebook page in opposition to the immigration bill that is being promoted by the founder of Facebook? Is Facebook monitoring those that are in opposition to the immigration bill? Should those with a Facebook account be concerned that they may lose access to their Facebook account over their conservative views whether they be religious or public policy? Here is an article on how the founder of Facebook is promoting the passage of the immigration bill.  


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