The So-called

The So-called "Gospel" of Judas<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
The following brief article appeared in the Editorial section of the Orange County Register as a response to the cover story, "The Lost Book of Judas" that appeared in the Orange County Register, April 7th (cover story).  Feel free to use any of my response below to write into your local newspaper as well.
            "I was intrigued by your cover story on the lost book of Judas.  Thanks for taking the time to cover such an important topic and bringing to light some of the debate surrounding the early church.  However, it is false and irresponsible to claim that, 'This text [Gospel of Judas]…along with the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Mary Magdalene and other recently discovered gospels, is transforming the understanding of Christianity.'
            While some scholars of the radical 'Jesus Seminar' believe the "gospel" of Thomas was written synonymously with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the vast majority of both liberal and conservative scholars agree that it is a mid to late second century Gnostic text.
Thus, Thomas and Judas were written at least 50-100 years after the completion of the four gospels when various heresies began to challenge orthodox belief.  While the 'gospel' of Judas is a significant find for understanding second century Gnosticism, it reveals very little about the inception of the church in the first century.  But I guess the truth of the matter doesn't tickle people's ears as much as tales of secrecy, mystery and illumination."         
Sean McDowell
<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Capistrano Valley Christian Schools
Orange County Register
Letters to the Editor
Monday, April 10, 2006 (Local 9)


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