Something "Stinky" in the White House!

Something "Stinky" in the White House!  <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
"God has judged her for the way she treated you." (Rev 18:20)
"Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne." (Ps 89:14a)
"It is not good to show partiality to the wicked,
Or to overthrow the righteous in judgment." (Prov 18:5)
I recently discussed the President's most recent refusal to pardon Border Agents Ramos and Compean with a friend who has been ardently petitioning for them to be pardoned or their sentences to be commuted (like Bush's good friend Scooter Libby). 
"Why," I asked, "does Karl Rove get so angry when asked about the President's refusal?  What about this matter provokes such incendiary responses?"
My friend believes Rove is covering for the President and the President's "very close friend" <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />U.S. District Attorney Johnny Sutton.  The three of them have been close associates since their days in Texas.  For some strange reason Bush has a special interest in this somewhat obscure case.  He seems insistent that Sutton's overreaching in persecuting these two agents be vindicated. 
My friend, who has contacts in the highest places in D.C., told me, "There is something stinky in the White House."  
Please understand that God HATES and DETESTS INJUSTICE and PARTIALITY when sentencing people (see above).  He will see to it that Ramos and Compean get justice; and He will judge Bush, Rove, Sutton and the presiding judge for their complicity in placing these agents in solitary confinement. 
The Wrath of God is a fearsome thing. "'Vengeance is Mine, I will repay' says the Lord" (Rom 12:19).
(See my most recent Alert which goes into greater detail about this matter in our archives, dated Dec 6: President Bush is Sinning)
Here are excerpts of an article about the President's very recent pardoning of drug dealers and other criminals, but not Ramos and Compean, despite the pleas for mercy from hundreds of thousands of concerned citizens:
"Several members of Congress derided President Bush yesterday for not including former U.S. Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean among the 29 pardons that he issued this week."
"Rep. Duncan Hunter, California Republican and presidential candidate, said that 'two names were conspicuously missing' from the list, which included carjackers, drug dealers, a moonshiner, a man convicted of stealing government property and another sentenced for receiving kickbacks in military procurement contracts."
"Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, California Republican, said the pardon list includes eight drug dealers, saying Mr. Bush's 'heartless ignoring of the fundamental miscarriage of justice in the case of agents Ramos and Compean ... is a snub to the families and a slap in the face to millions of Americans who have pleaded with the president to show some mercy.'"
"'Instead, he turns around and shows mercy to drug dealers and other criminals and leaves Ramos and Compean to suffer in solitary confinement' he said"(emphases mine).
The entire article can be found here: Lack of pardon for agents ripped by Jerry Seper
If you love President Bush (as I do) and admire things he has done (holding firm on stem cells, for example), please pray for him.  This is a matter of the greatest significance to the Lord!  The President will have to answer for this injustice unless he repents.

Relevant articles:
Bush's latest pardon list does not include border agents Compean and Ramos
Imprisoned Border Agents Treated Worse Than Gitmo Detainees
Bipartisan Border Patrol resolution shelved
Lawmakers Want Jailed Border Agents Home for Christmas
Moonshiner, thieves, drug dealers get help But Ramos, Compean abandoned in Bush pardons
Join us in Prayer!
"Lord, please have mercy on Ramos and Compean.  Set them free; may they miraculously spend Christmas at home. 
"We also ask You to have mercy on President Bush.  May he know the 'Fear of God which is the beginning of wisdom', especially in this case.  He seems to have made some ungodly heart alliance with Johnny Sutton.  Will You destroy that alliance and turn the President's heart completely to what is 'just and true' (Rev 15:3-4)? In Jesus' Name, Amen!"


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