"The Steven Furtick Show" Played at Harvest Bible Chapel

"The Steven Furtick Show" Now Playing at Harvest Bible Chapel

Misery loves company and so I am going to share my miserable morning with you. I tried to be optimistic. I prayed for discernment and for wisdom, and then I shuttled on over to Harvest Bible Chapel to hear guest pastor Steven Furtick "preach."My initial plan was to drive to the main campus in Rolling Meadows, IL, but after thinking about it (and looking at the ominous sky), I opted to stick with my local Harvest campus. Sure, I would miss out on the lasers and lights and excitement of the main campus, but I admit, I was a little selfish, not wanting to give up that much time driving there and back just to listen to Steven Furtick. I knew his sermon would be just as enlightening (whether good or bad) on a big screen at the local campus. I arrived about 5 minutes before the service started and nabbed a seat in the aisle before an usher could force me to sit in the middle (they have an annoying habit at Harvest of ordering you where to sit). At this point, the church was still pretty empty, but I knew that would soon change. Looking up at the screen, I saw a clock counting down the seconds until the service began. Oh boy.With about 45 seconds left on the clock, the worship team emerged. I immediately hoped they weren't on staff, because they all appeared to be about 15 years old. They later announced that they were indeed one of the student bands, so that allowed me to breathe a sigh of relief. (Side note: Parents, please do not allow your teenage son to wear tight, skinny jeans and clingy shirts. And for heaven's sake, please feed your sons so that they don't walk around with that emaciated look that is apparently so trendy right now!) When the music began, it took my breath away. Not because it was so spectacularly beautiful, but because the drums were so unbelievingly intense. Now, let's remember that I used to attend Harvest regularly, so I'm not just some life-long prude who doesn't like drums. The intensity of the loud, banging music, however, is something that I am convinced is simply not God-honoring. I tend to have very low blood pressure, so when it rises, I know it, especially because of the accompanying symptoms. The music this morning almost brought me to a point where I had to leave because it was making me ill. This is the music that the kids are singing in their worship services.
Click here for complete article:http://revelation22-20.blogspot.com/2011/08/steven-furtick-show-now-playing-at.html


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