Stop Plan to Put Colleges Under Political Supervision

Stop plan to put colleges under political supervision

CCU's Bill Armstrong and former U.S. Senator Hank Brown offer perspective on "authorized" institutions.
Should the nation's colleges and universities be subjugated by federal and state government? That's what is going to happen if the U.S. Department of Education goes ahead with its proposal to turn both private and public schools into "authorized" institutions.The plan, scheduled to go into effect in November, entails a heavy cost in time and money. But what is more ominous is the whole idea of political supervision of higher education.As a practical matter, the department's power grab carries with it an implicit invitation for various pressure groups to seek legal mandates requiring colleges and universities to implement their pet theories about curriculum, degree requirements, faculty qualifications, teaching methods, textbooks, evolution, phonics, ROTC, climate change, family policy, abortion, race, sexual orientation, economic theory, etc.If adopted, regional accreditation will be denied to any institution that has not first been given "substantive" state "authorization."Virtually all colleges and universities are already licensed or registered by one or more states. Many are already registered to do business in all 50 states, which means they are subject to state fraud and consumer-protection laws, have a registered agent within the state, and can be sued by students, vendors, employees or others who have a complaint against them.Click here for complete story:


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