Tea Partiers Find Power in National Precinct Alliance Strategy

Tea Partiers Find Power in National Precinct Alliance Strategy
By JB Williams
The local precinct has been around longer than the United States has been around. But many Americans lost interest in the local precinct years ago, seeing it as only a low-level political office without power. That was before the recent Nevada success story and National Precinct Alliance (NPA).
Cincinnatian Rick Herron researched and wrote about the power of the precinct chair in Hamilton County in the mid 1980s, and the "precinct strategy" was reborn. A few people have picked up on the idea since, thanks to Herron's work, but nobody had been successful with the strategy until the recent Nevada story.
Meanwhile, patriot groups were growing across the country after the 2006 election cycle, in opposition to excessive Washington DC power. By mid-2009, 912 meet-up groups, town hall protests, Tea Party rallies and a host of internet political networking sites had brought like-minded citizens together. But no politician was listening and nobody knew what to do next…
Arkansas patriot group "We the People," headed up by Stone County conservative Jim Diamond is one of thousands of loosely associated patriot groups across the country, made up of local citizens who had become fed up with an increasingly intrusive and abusive government that seemed completely deaf to the will of the people it was established to serve. They were searching for a way to have a real impact.
As "We the People" member Chris Romero describes events, - "We were a group of angry citizens disgusted with the direction of our government, as well as both political parties." – "I had pretty much given up on being able to save my country from a tyrannical government, and had certainly given up on the two political parties." – "The group was committed to supporting only third party candidates as a result."
But then National Precinct Alliance state coordinator Jacque Martin entered the picture.
Jacque had also been engaged in patriot efforts across Arkansas for years. Back in early December '09, as the newly appointed State Coordinator for National Precinct Alliance, Jacque attended a "We the People" meeting in Stone County and presented the National Precinct Alliance strategy to Diamond's "We the People" organization.
Diamond and his group studied the NPA strategy and when Mrs. Martin showed up at the group's January 7, 2010 meeting, the group had decided to abandon the third party idea and focus on retaking constitutionally conservative control of the Stone County GOP. Martin asked for a volunteer and Chris Romero became the Stone County NPA Coordinator who would lead the charge.
Five days later, on January 12, 2010, Romero and Diamond led their "We the People" group into the Stone County GOP meeting, in which the existing GOP leadership agreed to resign and make room for constitutionally conservative leadership, determined to force change.
As Romero states, - "We walked in not knowing what to expect and walked out in control of the Stone County GOP." Less than a month after first learning the NPA strategy, Arkansas patriots had success with the strategy. They elected a new Chairman on the spot and Romero now serves as the Stone County GOP vice-chair, as well as the Stone County Coordinator for National Precinct Alliance.
But this is just the beginning of the story…
Martin, Romero and Diamond have already moved on to share the NPA strategy in five adjoining counties, and last night, they had a state-wide meeting of conservative activists from every county, as they move to take control of the Arkansas GOP.
National NPA Director Phil Glass states that "the Stone County story is very similar to other early NPA successes being reported in other parts of the country weekly." Last week, the New York Times ran a front page story titled – In Power Push, New Party Sees Base in G.O.P. – which was a pretty fair treatment of both the Tea Party movement and the National Precinct Alliance operation.
UPI followed with a version of their own, Tea Party movement goes to precinct level, as have other main stream press publications since. Tea Party Nation, who is hosting a Tea Party Convention headlined by Sarah Palin in Nashville next month, asked NPA to host a workshop on the NPA strategy, -  National Tea Party Convention Hosted by Tea Party Nation.
Asked about the recent controversy surrounding the upcoming convention, NPA Director Phil Glass said, - "We are aware of those reports and as a non-profit foundation, we are very concerned about the nature of those reports. We are trying to gather all of the related facts and will have no official comment until we feel like we know what is really going on down in Nashville."<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Glass went on to say, - "Infighting between patriot factions is counter-productive to the interest of our nation and the real grassroots patriot movement. NPA is an action oriented operation and we have no time for anything besides seating constitutional conservatives in GOP precinct seats. – With hundreds of new members every day, it's all we can do to keep up. - We'll leave the infighting and backbiting to others…"
Glass is right… Over the last several months I have written a number of times about the need for American patriots to set petty squabbles aside and unite in a "tangible strategy" behind the common cause of freedom and liberty. I covered this issue in my October 19, column Time for the Tea Party to become Tangible.
No matter what else may remain a mystery in the patriot movement, one thing is clear. National Precinct Alliance has succeeded in making the Tea Party tangible in every precinct they have gone after thus far… and that's how it's done folks!
Democrats' loss of another important Democrat stronghold in the special election for the Senate seat held by Teddy Kennedy for 46 years will send a shockwave around the globe. The people are proving that they really do matter in the end!
The Unites States of America belongs to the American people, not international socialists… and the true American patriots are awake and on the move!
JB Williamswww.JB-Williams.com[email protected]
"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." - Jefferson


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