Third Parties Never Looked So Good

Third Parties Never Looked So Good<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
By Paul Shelby Lewis
I get emails from the GOP on a regular basis.  They are always the same.  The subject heading states something to the effect of, "The Democrats stink, and here's why . . . ."  I suppose this is good policy when you consider the candidates that Republicans have, thus far, put forth.  When you have nothing to offer that excites your base, you have to start pointing the finger at the other guy if you want any hope of being successful.
Consider, for a moment, the choices that we are likely to get for the primary and general election.  First of all, there is "Mayor" Rudy Giuliani.  If ever there was a one trick pony, he is it to a "T".  Inevitably, in any debate or speech by the "Mayor," one is bound to hear some reference to 9-11, and how the "Mayor" led his city through the hardest time in their history.  He banded together with the President and sought to make major changes to our defense policy.  What he doesn't tell you is that his own policies toward immigration before 9-11 were in all likelihood part of the reason for the events of 9-11.  You never hear about the "Mayor" trying to sue the federal government because he wanted <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />New York City to be a sanctuary for illegal immigrants.  No, what you hear now is how he wants to shut down the borders and get tough on immigration.  Then there is the fact that the man has zero character traits that one might call appealing.  He's been through how many marriages?  Of course, let's not forget that he is in favor of allowing the killing of babies, that he is pro "gay rights," and that he has a rather troubling view of the second amendment. 
Then, there is "the Mormon."  Don't get me wrong, I really have no problem with Mitt Romney's religion of choice as it pertains to the possibility of his Presidency.  In fact, the best friend of Christians in the ethical realm over the years has been Mormons.  That stated; his past is sketchy.  We know that he was at one time pro choice.  Coincidentally, he changed his stance on abortion just about the time he started to need conservatives more than moderates.  He has little foreign policy experience of which to speak.  But beyond that, he sees eye-to-eye with the "Mayor" when it comes to civil unions, gay rights, and gun laws (or at least, he used to). 
Not that these problems get any better if you go to the Democratic side of the isle.  By all accounts the democratic nominee appears to be Hillary Clinton, so we'll begin with a brief sketch of her past.  One thing that has become quite clear in her campaigning is that she believes your and my personal worth can only be granted to us by society.  I'm a bit unsettled by the ever-popular "Hillary care," which was a bad idea ten to twelve years ago, and is an even worse idea now.  She is in favor of the death penalty for unwanted children and probably for unwanted seniors.  Finally, as if the previous weren't bad enough, she has incredibly questionable morals; how else could she stand in front of thousands of people and tell them that they ought to vote for those who promote stealing?  Granted, she calls it "taxes," or "the rich paying their fair share," but Charlie Peace never looked like a street punk until she came along.
I would give considerable treatment to Barak Obama, but he's not going to win.  He is, actually, more frightening in his socialism than is Hillary, but tends to agree with her on almost all other issues.  I will say, however, that he is probably the most upright of the group (along with Romney).  But being a good guy and/or a Christian does not qualify a person to be the President of the United States any more than owning a guitar qualifies a him to open for Eric Clapton.
Finally, there is John Edwards; but how are we supposed to take seriously the idea of making a guy the chief defender of our country when he doesn't even fight his own battles in his campaign.
So what is a conservative to do?  I can tell you one thing for sure, if I vote for any of those previously mentioned, I might as well toss my conservative principles out the door.  I learned my lesson with the present "compassionate Conservative."  Third parties never looked so good.


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