THREE SIMULTANEOUS WARS FOR THE SURVIVAL OF OUR CHILDREN:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Dear Brethren:
"Do not be afraid of them; remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses" (Neh 4:14b)
We Must Win The War In Iraq! Why?
"Victory at all costs; Victory in spite of terror; Victory however long and hard the road may be; for without Victory, there is no survival." Winston S. Churchill
"Defeat at the hands of militant Islamic terrorists…would be disastrous…the plan is to continue "the jihad wave" to [other] countries…." Clifford May, columnist, The Washington Times
I could continue quoting many other recent writings about the absolute necessity of defeating the Islamofascists. If we do not, it will become apparent "that Islamist forces possess an effective means to impose their will globally and Americans do not" (Clifford May, again).
What is "their will"? Isn't it obvious? It is to subdue (by force) every nation in the world ("globally") and enforce dictatorial, brutal, demonic Islamic laws (shariah). This includes the USA and, quite importantly, YOU! and YOUR CHILDREN!
You are probably thinking, "Harry, here you go again being extreme and fearful." But I say to you, "Look at what is happening in Europe where the Islamofascists have intimidated virtually every country and stand ready to take them over in the near future. We are in their sights."
Please, be not deceived or lulled into some "God will protect us" security. WHY SHOULD HE! We have turned our proud and perverse backs on Him. Historically, it seems certain that, when peoples do that, He turns them "into Hell" (Ps 9:17; I Kg 9:6-9; II Chr 12:5-12).
So, what can you and I do? It seems so large:

  1. Awaken your church out of its slumber and false security; the enemy's forces are nearing our gates and our seed!
  2. Support our Administration and Armed Forces! There are many ways to do this; choose at least one!
  3. REPENT & PRAY! Our personal and national sins are bringing this upon us (see Dt 29:24-29; Jer 22:3-9; note the reference to ABORTION in verse 3).

Your prayerful & hopeful Watchman in D.C.,
Harry Valentine, CHPA Founder/Publisher

PS-Watch for Part II: The War at Our Borders

PPS-Please, take time to read the Letter-to-the-Editor of the New York Times from Lt. Tom Cotton who is stationed in Iraq:

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