Tired of Winning

Tired of Winning

Paul Shelby Lewis
As the Republican party primary nears its end, or at least appears to be headed in that direction, the thought of voting for John McCain in the general election has turned the stomachs of many a loyal Republican.  McCain has, for many years now, prided himself on "crossing the aisle" to get things done, even in the face of what were once party principles.  His deliberate assaults upon free speech, lowering taxes, the education system, free enterprise, and evangelicals have all been well-documented and need not be replayed here. 
Lets face it; the Republican party is nominating a slightly more conservative version of Hillary Clinton; closer, in all likelihood, to the Bill Clinton that was Governor of Arkansas.  Yes, McCain, Clinton, and Obama differ on the Military.  But McCain's position is almost as frightening to me as that of Clinton and Obama; albeit in the opposite direction.  He's an imperialist, plain and simple.  He has made no bones about expanding the United States military presence around the world, and has even said that our military might have to be in Iraq for "100 years."  And I can not help but wonder if his advocation for (what amounts to) open borders isn't part of a brand new version of American Manifest Destiny to control all of North America.  Is this something that we as followers of Christ ought to support, much less desire?
So, what to do?  Many conservatives, especially evangelicals, have stated that they will hold their noses and vote for McCain because there will likely be two Supreme Court seats opening up in the next four years.  But exactly what type of judges should we expect from such an appointment?  McCain says that he will appoint "strict constitutionalists."  That would be great but for two rather conspicuous problems.  Number one, McCain has done nothing that should give evangelicals or conservatives as a whole any reason to trust him.  Number two, McCain must be talking about the constitution of another country, because he certainly has no respect for ours (see: McCain-Feingold).  Moreover, given that McCain is, at best, a moderate, and granting his willingness to work with democrats if the wind is blowing in the right direction, what should make us think he will appoint anybody more conservative than Kennedy?  Do you really think that if McCain saw a chance to be heralded by the press as someone willing to work with democrats, that he would not appoint a moderate to the bench? 
The results of a McCain loss in the general election are not pretty, to be sure.  But I'm tired of winning by sacrificing principle.  Evangelicals and conservatives have for far too long supported candidates only because they stand a chance to win.  It is ludicrous to think that we as Christians should help nominate anybody just because we are deathly afraid of Hillary or Obama.  Have we learned nothing from Scripture?  I have trouble recalling that Old Testament passage where God encouraged Judah to seek the help of the Egyptians for fear of the Assyrians. 
Trust in the Lord.  Vote from principle instead of fear.  If that means voting for a third party candidate who shares your principles but does not stand a chance, so be it.  God is still sovereign and He will accomplish His will in due course.  


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