Too Busy to Stop & Number One Favorite Smell

Too Busy to Stop... –Ray Comfort<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Human beings like to watch each other. One of the keys to the success of our television program has been the inclusion of interviews on the street. It's fascinating to see how people react, and hear their perspectives, especially when it comes to God and the afterlife. There is another interesting aspect of human beings. It is that we keep repeating history. Every four or so years, we become disgruntled with our leaders and vote in some new and exciting selected few with their new concepts. Four or so years later, we become disgruntled, and repeat the same process.We are like a man who insists on trying to chop down a tree, with a blunt axe. All he is doing is bruising the bark but he refuses to stop his futile efforts and sharpen the axe, because he's too busy chopping down the tree.Think about our national problems. We are astronomically in debt, plagued with floods, droughts, fires, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Cancer is killing millions. Mass shootings are commonplace. Our prisons are full to overflowing. Millions have lost their homes and are unemployed. Disease is in our soil and food. We are fighting wars we cannot win, have sleeper-cell terrorists, illegal aliens, bugs in our beds , bugs in baby food, and wood-eating bugs destroying our homes. Bees are getting in short supply. Wild animals attack people, and national TV has become one big advertisement for drug companies, revealing how sick this nation has become. The churches are filled with adulterers, pedophiles and hypocrites, and businesses are filled with corruption. All these things are the result of a blasphemous nation that has turned its back on God. We have lost His blessing. Calls for political change are nothing but a blunt axe. We need to stop as a nation, and sharpen the axe by turning to God--through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.


Number One Favorite Smell...

Barbeque is the number one favorite smell, on most people's smell list. It brings instant salivation. The top favorite color is blue. That makes sense, because blue gives us a sense of well-being. Who doesn't appreciate a clear blue sky? What are some of the every day pleasures you enjoy? Good music? How about the first bite of a tender steak, or some liquid that hits the spot on a really hot day? Imagine losing all of those pleasures. Imagine if you found yourself in a place where a terrible thirst could never be quenched. I don't need to "imagine" such a place. I am 100% convinced that Hell exists; and Hell is a place where there is no pleasure. No friends. No parties. I believe this because I know that a Creator exists, because creation exists: It is...therefore He does. As mocking atheists say, "Goddidit." It doesn't take too much thought. I know intuitively that the Creator is good, because I am part of a "moral" creation. No animal has concerns about justice and truth. Only man. If God exists and is good, He therefore must care about justice. Billions feel as I do. Simply ask any human being what God requires of them, and they will say that He expects us to "live a good life," etc. From there, common sense dictates that murderers and rapists will ultimately be punished. That's a given. But what most of humanity doesn't understand is that the standard of goodness that God has is infinitely higher than ours. That means that on Judgment Day His justice will be infinitely more demanding. To believe that God doesn't exist--that there is no absolute morality, no ultimate justice, and you can live as you wish, is to have all your eggs in one broken down basket, with a loose handle. If you are guilty on Judgment Day (and remember that lust is adultery in God's eyes--Matthew 5:27-28), you will give up all of life's wonderful pleasures. Think about what "damnation" actually means. Crying out "I'm so sorry, I was wrong, God help me!" will mean nothing. The door of mercy will be closed. You laughed at His servants, you mocked His gospel, you blasphemed His name, you were ungrateful for the life he gave you, and lived in a way that was abhorrent to Him. Now you must face the music. Justice will have finally caught up with you, and there will be Hell to pay. For the Christian, Hell has already been "paid." Justice has been satisfied through the suffering death of the Savior. We can leave the courtroom. We will have pleasure for evermore, on a new without tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, disease, pain, suffering, death, etc. God hasn't even begun to show the pleasures He has in store for those that love Him (see 1 Corinthians 2:9). We have instant salvation the moment we call upon Him, and eternal salivation awaiting us. So what's holding you back from repentance, and faith in Jesus? We both know the answer to that, don't we? It's two-fold. Your pride, and your love of your sin. Maybe the next time pleasure comes your way, you will consider these sobering thoughts. I hope so.

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