The Treachery of America's Fifth Columns

Teachers, Judges, Radical Islam, Acorn, Activists<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
The Treachery of America's Fifth Columns

Linda Henkel  Bio



 By Linda Henkel  Wednesday, June 3, 2009
My dad and father-in-law fought for the freedoms that many of us see slipping away today. From them, I learned American values and a deep love for our country. So much that I have pledged my life, fortune, and sacred honor to defend our Constitution from foreign and domestic terrorists. It will be my death before the legacy of Communism will be left for my children.
Increasingly, however, the specter of Communism – once thought of as alien to everything American – is looming on the horizon, fueled by Fifth Columns seeking to destroy our freedoms and enslave our citizens.  It is a group of people, who by definition, secretly undermines a larger group, such as a nation, from within, to the aid and comfort of an external enemy.
On a recent visit to Utah, my parents asked me to find them a Tea Party because they knew I had communicated with our Michigan Tea Party organizers. At the Utah Tea Party meeting I spoke to the gathering of the growing threat of the hate-America crowd. Since then, I've compiled a more complete list of Fifth Columns destroying our country.
1. That destruction starts, of course, when our Judeo-Christian roots are ignored – in our families, government, schools, and media. Without God, the path to Communism will be easy at the rate we are going.
2. The young teachers graduating from the Bill Ayer's teaching schools who are taught to bring political activism into the classrooms.  He and his ilk advocate a silent revolution from within by indoctrinating the hearts and souls of our young. So far, he has done a good job of brainwashing our children to embrace the political paradise of Communism propounded by radical Saul Alinsky and others.
3.  The men in black destroying our Constitution from the bench.  The judiciary is currently stacked heavily for the left and will be heading even further to the left if Sonia Sotomayor and other Leftists gain a majority in the Supreme Court.
4.  The radical Islam groups that are already established in the U.S. complete with Jihad Training Camps. Representative Keith Ellison of Minnesota took his oath of office on a Muslim Koran; he is part of an organization that tries to place Muslims everywhere in our government.  Shariah law, here we come! Also, the Muslim Student Associations on college campuses are tied to terrorist organizations. Remember the moderate Muslim of Bridges TV who tortured and beheaded his wife? "Honor" killing has now arrived on our soil. While We the People are upset about the radical Muslims in our country, the Communists are hoping we don't notice what they doing.  Distract us, and how easy it will be for them to conquer us!
5. The leaders of minority groups who have divided this country into this or that faction, instead of uniting ALL of us to call ourselves Americans! Divide us into different groups based on our color, culture, or ideology and the path to Communism will be easy.
6.  The homosexual activists who cannot accept the rule of law and are creating division in our society. It is the divide-and-conquer principle of the Communists at work again. 
7. The environmentalists that want us to worship their flawed doomsday agenda, instead of God.  The green path to Communism allows no other Gods.
8.  Lazy Americans who have the time to help our country fight to regain our freedoms but are doing nothing.  I realize some Americans are in denial and some have been brainwashed by Leftists to the point of no return. 
9.  The Planned Parenthood queens who think aborting children at any stage of pregnancy is okay. I think this is called "dancing with the devil." These death queens are working overtime to divide us into pro-abortion versus pro-life groups.  If we focus on this divisive issue, then we will not notice the Communists marching us towards Communism.  Think of all those great patriots who were aborted.
10.  George Soros and his entire group of Communists are destroying our country.  China says he is not welcome and France calls him a criminal.  He has destroyed countries by playing with their money markets. When our economy just about crashed last fall, Soros was delighted, not only at the money he was making, but also at the prospect of America's collapse. You know your country is in trouble when Soros says the G-20 meeting was "successful." The success was for Soros and his cronies, but not for We the People. He is one of the more wicked anti-Americans on our soil.
These Communists have infiltrated all the power centers of our freedom-loving society through the Council on Foreign Relations and other secret organizations with hidden agendas. They have infiltrated our government at all levels, including our banking system, corporations, foundations, churches, media, Hollywood, and our schools.  These political activists are hoping we will not notice, but guess what?  We have noticed and patriots everywhere have only begun to fight!
11. The profit-motivated pharmaceutical and food industries that manage to keep us unhealthy. The pharmaceutical industry engages in Faustian agreements with our medical schools and their leaders. Their "influence" cannot be underestimated.  Is this why 200 Harvard Medical students and faculty want an end to the pharmaceutical industry in their classrooms?  Are these medical students tired of indoctrination aimed only at drug-based models of disease care? The pharmaceutical industry would never allow alternative health therapies to be taught to medical professionals unless they could control the therapies and the profits.  Did you ever wonder why our country is so unhealthy with all that "great" processed food available?  We can only imagine where the FDA fits into this "health" paradigm. Conquering an unhealthy, brainwashed citizenry with Communism would be easy.
12. The wealthy foundations in this country, whose leaders are not spending their money in ways their founders intended. All it took was Communist infiltration of these foundations that began with very noble causes to send them in the wrong direction – in the direction of Communism.
13. The Gamaliel Foundation and their affiliates, which are in 21 states. These affiliates have the same goals as ACORN does, except they work out of churches instead of neighborhoods. It is a group that embraces Communism, too, and, if left unchecked, will destroy our churches. Melanie Phillips, in "A Revolution You Can Believe In," says these snake oil salesmen helped destroy her churches in the UK. Their society is a cesspool, Shariah law is embraced, and their churches stand empty. But Phillips says that we still have time to save our churches and stop these godless destroyers from ripping the 'man on the cross' out of our society.
14. Most of our television, radio, and newspapers have become successful propaganda tools of the Communists, who love to brainwash We the People with their anti-American propaganda. In my family, we've gotten rid of most of these "news" sources in our home and now go to the Internet and to each other for our news. The path to Communism is easy if our minds are under the control of others. Is this why Jay Rockefeller has introduced legislation to tamper with our freedom of speech through the Internet? How ironic that his family began one of the most corrupt foundations in this country – the Rockefeller Foundation – that promotes the New Global Order of Communism by spreading their tax-free monies with stealth to all their totalitarian causes. 
15. The "fashion" designers and Hollywood "stars" who sell pornographic styles that are more fitting for prostitutes than for our children.  The media now dictate to our children that it is fashionable to show it all with tattoos and earrings everywhere. Brainwashing our children weakens family unity, and destroying our families makes the path to Communism easier.
16. Parents who are not taking their jobs seriously and fail to give their kids a solid moral compass. Schools have so declined in the last 20 years that it is now clear We the Parents are the best teachers for our children. The Communists would love to steal our parental rights.  They encourage us to put our children in government-sponsored daycare and all-day kindergartens. They tell us we ALL need that expensive college education, when the school of hard knocks is all you need for some careers. Because government schools are a successful vehicle to brainwash our children, they are given preferential treatment when school laws are made, while vouchers and charter schools are threats to their monopolistic ambitions. Steal our parental rights and brainwash our children, then the path to Communism will be easy. 
17.  And the last, but certainly not the least Fifth Column is the college and university environments.  At public colleges, anyone from off the street can go sell their activism to these students: pro-Palestine, anti-Israel, pro-radical Islam, pro-homosexual, pro-abortion, and any other activism they want.  What a cesspool they have become by polluting the young minds in our country. Freedom of speech is a problem for conservative students in many of these "learning" environments. My advice to prospective parents of college students is that you think very carefully where you drop your precious offspring off.  Do not let them hang out at these campuses any longer than is needed to obtain a marketable degree.
Obama's Poison Ivy, by Joan Swirsky is a great article about these irresponsible Ivy League schools that have graduated the incompetents who are currently running our government. These poisonous eggheads were obviously taught to embrace the political paradise of Communism. They learned how to destroy our country in the most efficient ways at their colleges.  The Communists know they can take advantage of their students because these young adults have not been appropriately educated in American and world history. Brainwashed students can be taught just about anything, including Communism 101!
I think that We the People, we freedom lovers, have serious work ahead of us. I hope you love a good fight! The political paradise of Communism is not an option for America!
Godspeed to all you great patriots that are helping to reclaim our power centers in America! 
Linda Henkel is a Michigan-based writer, researcher, and activist.  She has been published at the Canada Free Press website.  As the mother of four children, education issues, including home schooling are a priority for her.  She plans to do what it takes so the legacy of totalitarianism is not left for her children.


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