Truth is not relative

Truth is not relative<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
By Shane Idleman
I learned a lesson as a very young boy that still applies today. One summer, I was on an early morning bike ride to school. As I turned the corner and headed west, a heavy gust of wind slowed my pace. It was clear that I would be late for school, so I turned around and headed home for a ride. To my surprise, when I changed directions, my bike felt as if it were gliding on air. I turned and headed back to school, but once again, I was bombarded with gusts of wind that nearly blew me over.  
At that young age I realized what had happened. The wind was against me as I headed in one direction, but with me as I headed in the other. Isn't that true so many times in life? One direction can be challenging and another effortless. In the same way, as you embrace "absolute truth," it may seem as though you are pushing against the flow of society, and often, you will be. But here's the principle: even though it was easier for me to go with the wind when I turned back, I was actually going in the wrong direction.
When it comes to believing in absolute truth, understand that there will be resistance. No resistance may mean that you are going in the wrong direction as well-it's often easier to go with the flow of society than against it. Martin Luther said, "Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is tested." A commitment to uphold absolute truth will result in resistance. Don't let this discourage you. In the same way that resistance training builds physical strength, spiritual opposition will strengthen your spiritual foundation.
Many, especially in our post-modern culture, have accepted the notion that truth is relative to the circumstance; this is commonly known as relativism; a very popular and pervasive deception that runs throughout our culture-"every man doing whatever is right in his own eyes" (Deuteronomy 12:8).
This reminds me of a university professor who told his class that what was wrong for him might not be wrong for someone else. One student challenged him on this. Midway through his lecture, the student walked over to the professor's desk and pushed his paperwork on the floor. Extremely upset, the professor demanded an answer for the student's outrageous behavior. The student calmly replied, "What's wrong for you may not be wrong for me." From this simple illustration, you can see that relativism does not make sense. There are certain "rights" and "wrongs" called absolutes that are given by God to save man from himself. God's Word is truth (John 17:17).

My younger years provide another illustration. During the summer, my family took frequent trips to the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California. As independent as I was at 18 years old, I didn't question the wisdom of staying on the highways that led to my destination. Signs led; I followed. Similarly, the way has been clearly defined for you in God's Word-follow the directions and keep the course-detours will cost you. It's been said that sin takes you farther than you want to go, costs you more than you want to pay, and keeps you longer than you want to stay. I couldn't agree more. Without God leading the way, we wander aimlessly.  
Sadly, many reject the Bible as absolute truth because absolute truth, by definition, is exclusive. They do not like exclusivity; they want the freedom to do what they want, when they want, how they want, to whom they want. They're willing to go in God's direction, but only if He's going in theirs. But God clearly warns against this in Isaiah 30:1, "Woe to the rebellious children, says the Lord, who take counsel, but not of Me, and who devise plans, but not of My Spirit." Isaiah, an Old Testament prophet, proclaimed God's Word at an important time in history. In this verse, God warned against looking to anything, or anyone, other than Him for the truth. Although Isaiah lived centuries ago, the same truth applies today: truth is not relative. No other decision will impact our lives more than who, or what, we choose to follow. For this reason, lay aside "feelings" and "opinions" as you embrace absolute truth. Feelings and opinions change-truth does not!
Shane Idleman, author of the "What Works" book series, speaks throughout the country. He lives in Southern California with his wife and children. He can be reached at; speaking excerpts can be viewed at


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