Update on Jim Wallis speaking at Prestonwood Baptist Church

Update on Jim Wallis speaking at Prestonwood Baptist Church.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
After the broadcast and distribution of our national radio program and e-mail alert, we received an e-mail from a representative of the Senior Pastor saying that Rev. Jim Wallis would not be speaking at the March 9, 2010, church function. That is good news. However, we are receiving e-mails from people that have called the church and they report to us that they were given information that causes them to think that Mr. Wallis was never booked to speak at the church. Thus, they are e-mailing us asking if we had our facts wrong. The church needs to be 100% forthright on this issue. We have all the printed pages from their church website about Wallis speaking on March 9th. The information has since been pulled from their site which is a good thing. But we have all our facts documented. We have asked the church to be 100% transparent in acknowledging that Wallis was booked to speak at the church and has now been uninvited as they claim in their own e-mails to us. The church needs to put out a statement that is a strong rebuke of what Wallis stands for so we can post it on our site and read it on our national radio program. That is if they indeed do disagree with the worldview of Jim Wallis. People are asking if the church cancelled him because of the controversy or because they really do not agree with Jim Wallis. Why will the Senior Pastor not put out a statement that in no uncertain terms denounces the Social Justice, Emergent Church, socialist worldview of Wallis and his friends? Such a statement would put this issue to rest and be an encouragement to hundreds of thousands of people and thousands of pastors.
Click here to listen to the radio program on this topic:

Here is a portion of an e-mail we received today:

"I am a member of Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX. Our pastor is Dr. Jack Graham. Is this the church you were referring to that was having Jim Wallis speak at a church function on 3/09/10? I find it very difficult to believe that the Jim Wallis you are speaking of would ever be invited to speak at our church."

Since we are receiving lots of e-mails like this, we have chosen to post this e-mail that one of our people received on Monday, February 15th from the Prestonwood about Jim Wallis speaking at their church function. This is the documentation that many have asked us to produce since they just cannot believe it to be true. See the last speaker listed below.


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