Updates on LOST and ENDA

Updates on LOST and ENDA<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
"Woe to those who decree unrighteous decrees,
Who write misfortune,
Which they have prescribed…
For all this His anger is not turned away,
But His hand is stretched out still."(Is 10:1, 4b)
Recently we have been alerting you about two VERY significant (and wicked) pieces of legislation.  I think you might appreciate an update about the status of each. 
1.      Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST):
For extensive information about this treaty which threatens our national sovereignty and will put us under a "world government" controlled by the UN, please see our recent extensive and thorough Alerts (see past alerts here 9/12, 9/26, 10/24, & 10/29).
Unfortunately, LOST was approved by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 17-4, with the help of deceived globalist Republicans.  Next, it will go to the entire Senate for a final vote.  When this will take place is uncertain. 
If 34 senators agree to filibuster this treaty, it will be killed.  Efforts to corral 34 are currently underway.  We must PRAY! 
2.      ENDA:
We have also written about the innocently named "Employment Non-Discrimination Act" (see past alerts here, 9/18 & 11/1).
With great sadness we have to report that this abomination passed the House on November 7, and will now go to the Senate where Senator Kennedy (who else?) will introduce it and make his usual valiant effort to have it approved.  Thankfully, President Bush has promised to veto it. (Don't hold your breath.)
According to Bill Murray of the Religious Freedom Coalition, ENDA will "grant special employment rights and protected minority status to individuals based upon sexual behaviors.  The law is based on the individual's 'perception' of being persecuted.  Under this bill, non-denominational Christian schools would be forced to hire homosexuals."
Peter LaBarbera (President of Americans For Truth) writes:
"In an era when homosexuals are being hired - not fired - for 'being gay' -- and when Christians are already being punished or fired by corporations like Allstate for opposing homosexuality, ENDA would lead to further harassment of faith-motivated employees by creating federal 'rights' based on homosexuality and bisexuality."
"It's Big Government with an amoral twist and, incidentally, a homosexual activist lawyer's dream."
"ENDA would take away Christians' and others' right to stand up for Biblical morality."
So, what to do about these two (and other) dangers to our beloved nation: 
1.      WAKE UP!  The pagans are busy dissolving the fabric of this country and Christians seem unconcerned.  Before you know it, all will be lost and you will have no one to blame but yourselves and your pastors, priests, elders, etc. who have failed to warn and lead you into effective resistance (see Ezek 33);
2.      PRAY!  Only prayer can effectively turn back this tide of evil.  Please call together prayer groups and cry out to the Lord for deliverance (see 2 Chron 20).

Relevant Articles:
Sinister Secrets of the U.N. Sea Treaty by Cliff Kincaid
A Gift to Terrorists by Joseph Klein
The Majority's ENDA Problem:  Freedom of Religion, Meet Free Flow of Litigation By Roy Blunt
Please Pray !
"Lord, are You turning us over to godless and foolish pagans whose hearts are darkened with uncleanness, vile passions and burning lust for power and immorality (see Rom 1)?  We certainly deserve it (Dan 9:5).
 "Will You save us again (Ps 106:47)? Hear, Lord; Forgive!  May Your anger and fury be turned away.  We need to be awakened and revived!  Help, Lord (see Dan 9:16f)!  In Jesus' Na


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