URGENT! Dramatic Developments with The Real ID Act

September 23, 2008
APC is a member of the Constitutional Alliance which is heading the effort to stop the Real ID.
Urgent Action Alert! Urgent Action Alert!

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We have just received word from the Alliance State Coordinator that we are on the brink of victory - if we can stop Real ID in the Michigan State House of Representatives.
Please read his Action Alert below and follow the Action to Take.
We can win this fight today!
------Tom DeWeese
Immediate Action Needed to Stop the REAL ID
Today, September 23, 2008 the Michigan House of Representatives is considering Real ID legislation. The Stop Real ID Coalition and the Constitutional Alliance have been urgently requested to make the argument against Real ID. The battle will take place in just hours. It is not just a battle for the people of Michigan but also for all citizens of the United States.
Pro-Real ID legislation passed the State Senate in Michigan last Thursday. The deck is stacked against us but we are here to let Michigan lawmakers know the whole country is watching. We are requesting that we of the Coalition and the Alliance be allowed to testify against Real ID. The tide has turned nationally in our favor (Senators Fault DHS Pressure On Real ID) Over 20 states have either passed laws or resolutions in opposition to the Real ID Act 2005. DHS told the country they do not blink and do not bluff, Real ID will be implemented May 11, 2008. Real ID implementation has been postponed from May 11, 2008 until December 31, 2009. We must now insure the beast is dead. A wounded animal is the most dangerous animal.
Whether it be in Michigan or another State, the fact is we must not let up now. We must finish the job at hand and end Real ID. In each State we must continue to fight and bring national attention to each state as legislation is introduced, whether that legislation opposes or supports Real ID.
It is time to put our engines in overdrive. We ask that all concerned citizens who read this document share it with everyone they are in contact with. Our people have been up all night preparing a fifteen minute presentation for Michigan lawmakers. For a copy of the presentation click here or you can visit the 'Stop Real ID Coalition' website. Even in this last hour or so we are working on the presentation. It is truly a work in progress.
Please appreciate Real ID is an assault on every Americans Constitutional rights. The Stop Real ID Coalition and the Constitutional Alliance have been in seven states in the last twenty days. Invitations from state lawmakers and groups are coming in at a phenomenal rate.
We thank each of you. The United States is the greatest country on earth and we intend to keep it such.
God Bless America!!!
Action to Take
Contact the Michigan House Speaker, Andy Dillon. Tell him you are opposed to the implementation of the Real ID Act and tell him the whole country is watching what Michigan does with this terrible big brother legislation.
Action must be taken immediately. This is in the legislature today for consideration. Contact Michigan House Speaker Andy Dillon NOW!
Call Andy Dillon: (888) 737-3455; (517) 373-0857 Fax Andy Dillon: (517) 373-5976Email: [email protected]
SEND THIS MESSAGE TO AT LEAST TEN MORE PEOPLE! APC is now offering you a quick and easy way to multiply your efforts and help win more battles! Simply click http://www.referralblast.com/rblast.asp?sid=5906 to send this APC Action Alert to up to TEN of your friends! It's fast, it's easy and most of all, it's extremely effective in KILLING OPPRESSIVE POLICIES!


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