Virginia Tech Massacre: Coping with Grief

Virginia Tech Massacre: Coping with Grief<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
By Rusty Wright
As the world joins Virginia Tech in mourning a terrible massacre, I've found myself experiencing poignant memories of an earlier visit to that campus when students also struggled with recent death.  Though that tragedy was smaller in scope, grief and confusion abounded then as now.
Several months before my evening lecture at Virginia Tech, I had recommended that my hosts have me speak on love, sex, and dating … nearly always a popular campus draw.  But they preferred I speak on death and dying: The Other Side of Life.  Reluctantly, I agreed; they publicized accordingly.  Though they didn't claim clairvoyance, their selection proved providential.
A few days before my presentation, three Tech students died tragically in separate incidents involving suicide and a fire.  The campus buzzed with concern about death and dying.  The lecture venue was packed; the atmosphere electric.
Death's Shuddering Finality
I told the audience of similar sadness: The spring of my sophomore year at Duke, the student living in the room next to me was struck and killed by lightning. For some time after Mike's death, our fraternity was in a state of shock. My friends wrestled with questions like, "What's life all about?"  "What does it mean if it can be snuffed out in an instant?"  "Is there life after death?"
Our springtime happiness became gloom.  A memorial service and personal interaction helped us process our grief.  I vividly recall a classmate driving Mike's ashes home to <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Oklahoma at the end of the term.  Death had a shuddering finality.
Now, in the recent massacre's immediate aftermath, stories both heartrending and inspiring are emerging.  Rescue workers removing bodies from Norris Hall, where the bulk of the killings occurred, encountered cellphones ringing, likely parents or friends trying to contact missing students.  Parents wandered the campus that first evening seeking to learn their children's fate.
During the siege, engineering professor Liviu Librescu, an Israeli Holocaust survivor, blocked a door with his body, sacrificing his life so students could flee.[1] 
God and Evil?
As mourners process their anguish, it's only natural to wonder where God is in all this.  Virginia Governor Tim Kaine, who once served as a volunteer missionary, noted at the campus convocation that even Jesus, in his dark hour on the cross, cried out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" [2]  He encouraged grieving students to embrace their community to help everyone process their pain.
The late William Sloane Coffin gained fame as a controversial peace and civil rights activist during the Vietnam War.  He also served as chaplain of Yale University and had a helpful take on the question of God and suffering. 
"Almost every square inch of the Earth's surface is soaked with the tears and blood of the innocent," Coffin told Religion and Ethics Newsweekly, "and it's not God's doing. It's our doing. That's human malpractice. Don't chalk it up to God."
"When [people] see the innocent suffering," continued Coffin, "every time they lift their eyes to heaven and say, 'God, how could you let this happen?' it's well to remember that exactly at that moment God is asking exactly the same question of us: 'How could you let this happen?'" [3]
The problem of evil has many complex facets, but the horror in Blacksburg resulted from human action.  Students and faculty face considerable healing.  President Bush reminded them, "People who have never met you are praying for you. … In times like this, we can find comfort in the grace and guidance of a loving God. … 'Don't be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.'" [4]  Sound counsel for a grieving campus community.
Rusty Wright is an author and lecturer with who has spoken on six continents.  He holds Bachelor of Science (psychology) and Master of Theology degrees from Duke and Oxford universities, respectively.
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[1] Laurie Copans, "Holocaust Survivor Killed in Virginia Shootings," Associated Press, April 17, 2007; on ABC News at, accessed April 18, 2007.  See also Richard T. Cooper and Valerie Reitman, "Virginia Tech professor gave his life to save students," Los Angeles Times, April 18, 2007;,0,7876199.story?coll=la-home-headlines, accessed April 18, 2007.

[2] Matthew 27:46, quoted here from the more contemporary language of the New Living Translation.  Kaine appeared to be quoting from the King James Version.  Audio of Governor Kaine's April 17, 2007, Virginia Tech convocation speech is at, accessed April 18, 2007.

[3] "Profile: William Sloane Coffin," Religion & Ethics Newsweekly interview with Bob Abernathy, Episode no. 752, originally broadcast August 27, 2004; rebroadcast in 2007;, accessed April 18, 2007.

[4] Text of the president's April 17, 2007 speech at the Virginia Tech memorial convocation is at,0,3248428.story?coll=la-home-headlines, accessed April 18, 2007.  The third sentence in the Bush quotation here is from Romans 12:21.


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