Washington Passes Secret Energy Tax


An alert from our Friends at:The Center for the Defense of Free Enterprisewww.cdfe.org
Washington Passes Secret Energy Tax
ALERT: It looks like the climate bill debate has already been decided by Washington and voters didn't even have a chance to say "NO!" A staggering $65 billion dollars has been transferred from the private sector to fund the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). RGGI is government created entity that is choking companies in the northeast with huge tax increases in the name of the environment. Our tax dollars are funding this secret climate initiative. Soon RGGI will expand to every state and stick you with astronomical energy prices.
RGGI is the nation's first mandatory greenhouse gas cap and trade regulating entity. This waste of tax dollars is responsible for "making an impact on climate change" in 10 Northeast states. Never mind that GLOBAL WARMING ISN'T EVEN REAL! The only impact RGGI has made so far is they have raised energy prices and created a slush fund for each member state. What exactly that money is being used for is unclear. Each state is capped on their carbon emissions and taxed if they use them up. RGGI added a 0.9% increase in energy prices in New England.
The Beltway sense of entitlement is mind boggling. While everyday Americans struggle to pay the bills and live through the stress of the Recession, RGGI is rolling in the dough. RGGI Chief, Jonathan Schrag is living a life most of us could only dream of. In June, Schrag and his wife Kristen purchased a $2.2 million dollar loft in Manhattan. Schrag's posh condo is 2,000 square feet and has three bedrooms and two bathrooms with a nice view of the Manhattan skyline. Schrag's luxurious residence is only a five block walk to the RGGI headquarters. I guess he didn't want to risk creating a carbon foot print by driving to work.
Schrag is paid to keep secrets. He has refused to disclose how much money he makes and the salaries of his employees. Schrag told New Jersey Watch Dog to get lost when they asked him to disclose RGGI's records. In the most recent public disclosure requests from the IRS Schrag declined to reveal how much everyone is paid in the organization. Most companies have to reveal to the IRS the salaries of their employees. RGGI is given special treatment because our government is backing their scheme.
The corruptocrats in Washington are completely responsible for this gigantic waste of tax dollars. Everyday Americans work hard to earn money and provide for their families while Washington fat cats get paid to accomplish nothing! The crooks behind RGGI must be exposed and help accountable!

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