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What is there to Celebrate?By Russ Young<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Announcements of anniversary celebrations were easy to find this week as plans to mark the 34th year since the passing of Roe v. Wade came near. Planned Parenthood of New York's web site announced it was "pleased to partner" with Wrens and some other music acts "to celebrate the 34th anniversary of Roe v. Wade." But it's not just the calloused souls from the Empire state who are celebrating; the same lingo came out of Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />North Dakota, and South Dakota.  Their celebration is the "Rock for Roe" concert to be held this Monday, January 22 in St. Paul when such delightfully named acts as Smitten Kitten and Hair Police will perform.
Celebration is a curious term to use to mark an event which has now resulted in the death of over 47 million babies. Such language only serves to underscore, once more, the sickness which has pervaded the hearts and minds of those who can so callously refer to the deaths caused by abortions as nothing more than a choice.
What are they celebrating one may wonder? Perhaps they are excited how Planned Parenthood continues to hold the title as the nation's leading provider of abortions. Perhaps they are celebrating the methods they have devised for ending life in the womb.
Borrowing heavily from one of the best pro-life news organizations,, the following is a brief run down of what abortionist will be celebrating this week, such as suction aspiration, the most common method of abortion and used for most first trimester killings.
During the abortion a powerful vacuum is used to tear the fetus and placenta from the womb in order to kill the baby. The remains are then carefully inspected to make sure all of the baby's parts are accounted for before being thrown into a red hazardous waste bag to be disposed of.
Do you feel like celebrating yet?
Suction aspiration is actually tame compared to other methods of abortion which Planned Parenthood celebrates. Dilation and Curettage, commonly known as D&C, and its cousin Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) both rely on hideous procedure which cut the baby into pieces before they are scraped out through the cervix and discarded. As the babies grow in the womb the more grisly the destruction becomes. During D&Es it is usual for the spine to be snapped and the skull to be crushed in order to remove them.
Other methods include salt or chemical poisoning injected through the mother's abdomen into the baby's sac. The baby swallows this fluid and is poisoned by it. It also acts as a corrosive, burning off the outer layer of skin. Of course this still leaves the most hideous surgical procedure, the partial birth abortion. In these sickening operations the abortionist delivers the baby's entire body, except for the head. The abortionist then jams a sharp object, usually scissors, into the baby's skull. The scissors are then opened to enlarge the skull. At this point the child's brains are sucked out, causing the skull to collapse. The dead baby is then removed.
It boggles the mind that anyone could routinely perform such butchery and be able to live with themselves. The fact that people travel for thousands of miles to reach third trimester clinics such as the one in Kansas owned by George Tiller, dubbed "Tiller the Killer,"  testifies that in reality there are very few who can; for which we should be thankful.
Most abortions, however, are done much sooner than necessitates the need for the partial birth method, and many doctors can still be found who do perform other methods.
Abortionists try to minimize the human death which transpires by calling the unborn baby a fetus. This has had a dehumanizing effect because "fetus," which is Latin for 'little one,' sounds abstract and thus morally neutral. They seek to minimize the fatality by referring to abortion as female reproductive health, which is the exact opposite of what it really is. The tragic fact remains that when a fetus is aborted, a human being dies.
In an extremely significant admission the United States Government's finally confessed that a fetus is human. President Bush's Domestic Policy Council just issued a report stating "The only differences between embryos and other human beings are accidental differences in levels of development." The report titled "Advancing Stem Cell Science Without Destroying Human Life," makes this important condescension while ironically assuring us that billions of state research dollars are being diverted towards embryonic stem cell research. Such a report is encouraging, but reminds us that there is still a lot of work yet to do.

It is nothing new to say that abortion has become acceptable only because of the lies used to support it, such as the incredibly offensive pretense that there could possibly be something to celebrate at the 34th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. But the lie is being exposed, and when most legal abortion is stopped, then we can celebrate.


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