When Hillary and Obama Win the White House You Can Thank Pro-Family Leaders for Not Being Leaders

When Hillary and Obama Win the White House You Can Thank Pro-Family Leaders for Not Being Leaders <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
By Brannon S. Howse
'"Huckabee could guarantee McCain the nomination"' said Gary Bauer.
According to Bauer, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee's decision to stay in the GOP race threatens to derail former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney's White House bid. "... I think for a lot of Huckabee voters, they're going to have to do some soul-searching about whether or not they want to stick with their man," says Bauer, "and by doing that [they] guarantee the nomination of McCain."
Hey Gary, if you had encouraged Romney to get out of the race and had you done some soul searching and backed a 100% pro-life, pro-family candidate instead of a flip-flopping Romney, we would have seen Governor Huckabee do even better than he did on Super Tuesday.
Note to self "In the future ignore whatever Gary Bauer says."
The bottom line is the pro-family voters showed more leadership, commitment and sense then some of our pro-family leaders.
Look at the incredible results, Huckabee achieved on Super Tuesday with little money and without the support from pro-family leaders such as James Dobson, Gary Bauer, Jay Sekulow , Tony Perkins and Pat Robertson.
Imagine what Governor Huckabee could have done if Gary Bauer, Jay Sekulow and Tony Perkins where not in the camp, by word or deed, of Johnny-Come-Lately-"pro-family"-Romney.  What if Pat Robertson had not been fawning all over pro-abortion, same-sex marriage, anti-Second Amendment Mayor Giuliani?
Imagine if Dr. Dobson would have spent less time telling us who he could not vote for and instead told us why he could support Governor Huckabee with his 100% pro-life, pro-family track record.
Dr. Dobson has clearly revealed that he is tired and did not have the "want to" when it came to this presidential fight.  Funny, how Dr. Dobson said this of Fred Thompson just a few months ago. 
Every Presidential election is the most important in today's world and Dr. Dobson refused to jump in with both feet and back Governor Huckabee. <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />First Dr. Dobson told us he could not support Fred Thompson, then he said he could not support Giuliani, and I agreed with him on Giuliani. Then Dr. Dobson told us he could not support McCain. Really? Well, there is a news flash. However, by not supporting Huckabee and by putting out a statement on Super Tuesday that he could not support McCain many felt he was sending the message that he was comfortable with Romney.
The bottom line is, Dr. Dobson, Sekalow, Perkins, Bauer and Robertson should have come out early on and supported the pro-life, pro-family candidacy of Governor Huckabee. After Fred Thompson dropped out, Huckabee was the only 100% pro-life, pro-family candidate.
Thanks to a lack of leadership, we now have John McCain picking up speed to the nomination. If McCain is the nominee, true conservatives may vote but I believe hundreds of thousands will not. In a race of McCain against Hillary/Obama, I think the later wins. And who can you thank? In my humble opinion the pro-family, pro-life leaders that were neither leading nor thinking about the main thing being the main thing: A candidate with a 100% pro-life, pro-family record.
Has Romney money or Mormon money gone to any pro-family organizations over the past two years and thus compromised the discernment of some?
The bottom line is; we need new pro-family, pro-life leaders. I do want to thank Bauer, Sekulow, Perkins, Dobson and Robertson for their service to our country and the pro-family, pro-life movement. You have accomplished many good things and I thank you. However, your time has now passed and you have failed a huge test and thus I must no longer follow your lead or trust your instincts. If others can still follow you then I believe they may do so at the peril of our cause.
From now on I will take your advice, counsel, and opinion with a grain of salt because your incompetent leadership and lack of discernment during the presidential race of 2008.  Your decisions seem to have largely been based upon pragmatism; which is really just another way of saying the end justifies the means.


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