White House Briefing Breakdown For October 13th

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White House Briefing Breakdown
October 13, 2006

"So you've seen the United States and the people who have the most leverage over the North Koreans – which would be the Chinese, the Japanese, the South Koreans and the Russians, they're in on it, too, they agree, they're equal partners in this.  And it's an entirely new calculus because whatever in the past, the North Koreans may have gotten the impression that they'll be rewarded for bad behavior.  There should be no question that those days are over."
– White House Press Secretary Tony Snow, 10/13/06
<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />North Korea
White House Press Secretary Tony Snow: "DNI, Which Is The Office That Really Does Have The Action For This … Are Just Not In A Position To Give Any Conclusive Answer" About Whether North Korea Sucessfully Tested A Nuclear Weapon.  "I've seen the press reports, but we still do not have any definitive statement on it.  We talked to DNI just a couple minutes ago.  They still think the analysis that they're doing may take another day or two."  (White House Press Secretary Tony Snow, Press Briefing, White House Conference Center, 10/13/06)
Ø      "If There Is No Test, Our Position Remains The Same: We Don't Want A Nuclear Korean Peninsula."  "I think that they're taking a look at this and they believe that the North Koreans have been trying to test the unity and the will of the parties.  And if there is no test, our position remains the same: We don't want a nuclear Korean Peninsula; we want a non-nuclear. Furthermore, the ultimate end state is to have the North Koreans renounce, suspend nuclear activities and to cease all weapons activities, return to the six-party talks, and give themselves and their people a chance to take advantage of the benefits that have been offered to them."
Ø      "The North Koreans May Have Gotten The Impression That They'll Be Rewarded For Bad Behavior.  There Should Be No Question That Those Days Are Over."  "So you've seen the United States and the people who have the most leverage over the North Koreans – which would be the Chinese, the Japanese, the South Koreans and the Russians, they're in on it, too, they agree, they're equal partners in this.  And it's an entirely new calculus because whatever in the past, the North Koreans may have gotten the impression that they'll be rewarded for bad behavior.  There should be no question that those days are over."
Ø      "All They Have To Do Is To Say That They're Going To Return To The Six-Party Talks, And That They're Going To Put An End To Their Nuclear Program, And A Lot Of Good Things Happen For Them." 
Ø      "We've Seen The Russian Report.  We Can't Confirm It."  "We've seen the Russian report.  We can't confirm it.  Again, we know that the deputy foreign – the deputy foreign minister, according to ITAR-TASS, at least the reading I got – because it was only a two-sentence dispatch; the deputy foreign minister has been in Pyongyang – and it seemed to indicate that the North Koreans were expressing a willingness to return to the September 19th agreement, which would involve renouncing all nuclear programs, both civil and military.  And in exchange, a series of benefits would be offered their way.  Again, if they do, that's great news.  But we have nothing to confirm that.  Keep in mind also that the North Koreans are not above a little gamesmanship a few hours before the United Nations is getting ready to vote on a resolution, so you can also take that into account."
Faith-Based Initiative
Snow: "David Kuo … Sent The President A Very Warm Letter … He Said 'Ultimately, However, It's Your Staff's Keen Awareness Of Your Unwavering Support For This Initiative That's Made The Difference.'"  "When David Kuo left the White House, he sent the President a very warm letter, talking about how wonderful it was.  …  He said, 'Ultimately, however, it's your staff's keen awareness of your unwavering support for this initiative that's made the difference.'"
Ø      "I Know Karl Rove, We've Asked Karl, Did You Say The Things Attributed To You?  He Said, No."  "These are people who are friends of many of us in the White House, when you talk about a Richard Land or James Dobson.  These are people who are friends.  You don't talk about friends that way."
Ø      "When [The President] Talks About The Faith-Based Initiative, This Is Something That's Really Important To Him."  "I haven't seen the book, but the assumption, or insinuation, seems to be that the administration takes lightly faith-based groups.  False.  You've seen the President.  When he talks about the faith-based initiative, this is something that's really important to him.  This is one of these things where he believes years and years down the road, when people are reviewing this White House, this is going to be one of the signal accomplishments.  Using – harnessing the power of faith to deal with people one on one, face to face, in dealing with some of the most intractable problems that our society faces."
Ø      "The Joint Center For Political And Economic Studies … Came To The Conclusion That The Faith-Based Initiative Was Dispensing Money Not On The Basis Of Ideology."  "If you take a look at the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, which is hardly a conservative group, it came to the conclusion that the faith-based initiative was dispensing money not on the basis of ideology, in fact most of the money was going to blue states."
Ø      "The President Has Been Really Clear, This Is Not To Be Used For Politics."  "This is to be used for compassion.  You know, talk about the armies of compassion, this is to be used as a way of trying to used faith-based groups who know who the constituents are, who know who the neighbors are, who know what the problems are, to use their own compassion and their own knowledge of the local circumstances to be more effective in delivering services. So, no, not for political use."
Iraq Study Group
Snow: "We Have Not Seen The [Iraq Study Group's] Report … [And] Have Been Told That There Will Be No Conclusions Drawn By The Commissioners Until After The Election"  "The President has said – number one, on Baghdad security, we're already making a concerted effort on Baghdad security.  Secondly, it's important that democracy succeed.  That has been the U.S. goal from the start, an Iraq that can defend, sustain and govern itself.  That remains the goal.  We have not seen the [Baker Commission] report.  Furthermore, we have been told that there will be no conclusions drawn by the commissioners until after the election."
Ø      "Secretary Baker, In Particular, Has Been Very Careful … That He's Simply Not Going To Discuss In Detail The Deliberations."  "There have been a series of meetings where [Baker and Hamilton] come in and they will share some of the experiences they have had.  But they are not talking specifically about things that they are contemplating, nor are they talking about conclusions they may draw.  And Secretary Baker, in particular, has been very careful, and he's said it many times, that he's simply not going to discuss in detail the deliberations."
Ø      "We're Not Trying To Outsource The President's Job As Commander-In-Chief."  "The President continues to receive information and opinions from a wide variety of sources, and I think there's an assumption that this is an outfit that, when they're finished, will present something, the President will duly follow its course.  Maybe he will, maybe he won't, but he'll do it on the basis of his judgment.  The Iraq Study Group was created pursuant to an act of Congress, and certainly we'll want to hear what the Democrats and Republicans on the bipartisan panel have to say.  But the President also listens to a lot of other voices, and he's going to do what he thinks best pursues the aim that we have always said we want to achieve, which is a democratic Iraq, an ally in the war on terror, that is able to sustain, govern and defend itself."
General Dannatt On British Troops In Iraq
Snow: "[General Dannatt's] View Is, As Ours Is, That You're Always Asking Yourself The Question, When Do You Have Too Many/Too Few/Just Right, In Terms Of The Mix Of Coalition Forces And Iraqi Forces."  "What's interesting is that General Dannatt was out again today talking about it.  Here's what he meant by the 'exacerbation' quote.  I'll just read the key part from a radio interview today – and to put it in context, his view is, as ours is, that you're always asking yourself the question, when do you have too many/too few/just right, in terms of the mix of coalition forces and Iraqi forces, knowing that eventually you want a hundred percent Iraqi forces and zero percent coalition forces.  In a couple of cases now, the Brits have been able to hand over security operations in two separate provinces to the Iraqis and they expect to be able to do so in a third soon.  They've taken their complement of forces in Iraq from 20,000 to 30,000 down to 7,000.  So that's the context here."
Ø      "His Direct Quote Was, 'The Particular Comment Which Was Actually Rather Largely Taken Out Of Context.'"  "He later stresses that, in fact, we're 'shoulder-to-shoulder with the Americans' and that there is no difference between his view and the stated view of the British government through the Prime Minister."
Guantanamo Detainees
Snow: "We Agree That These People Ought To Be Brought To Justice." "Well, as a matter of fact, when you talk about the high-value detainees who have been repatriated to Guantanamo … We agree that these people ought to be brought to justice.  It's one of the reasons why the President brought to the Congress legislation that he'll sign next week that provides a way for bringing them to justice and having trials.  But the President has also laid out for you and everybody else a whole series of terrorist incidents, or terrorist plans that were foiled directly as a result of the intelligence provided by people who are now in Guantanamo."
Ø      "We Are Confident Not Only That What's Going On In Guantanamo Passes Constitutional And American Muster, But It Is Consistent With The Human Rights Of Those Who Are Detained There."  "We take seriously human rights.  The people have been there … take extraordinary care in trying to observe everything from being able to be religiously sensitive, to following dietary guidelines and so on.  So we are confident not only that what's going on in Guantanamo passes constitutional and American muster, but it is consistent with the human rights of those who are detained there."
Snow: "We're Prepared, When The Senate Delivers It, To Sign A Border Security Bill … On The Other Hand, The President Strongly Believes That There's Unfinished Business."  "If you take a look, we have, in fact – we're prepared, when the Senate delivers it, to sign a border security bill that has been passed by both Houses of Congress.  On the other hand, the President strongly believes that there's unfinished business.  And I think the candidates generally would agree.  You don't simply say, okay, we've got secure borders and let's not think about 11 million people who are here illegally.  You need to find out who is here, and you have to make sure that you have sensible way of approaching it."
Ø      "The President Believes That A Temporary Worker Program Is Absolutely Essential."  "You also have to ask yourself into the future, how do you try to reduce pressure on the borders so that you can have regular immigration rather than the kinds of spectacles that we've seen in recent years.  The President believes that a temporary worker program is absolutely essential.  He believes in comprehensive reform, and he will continue to press for comprehensive reform.  And it is not inconsistent with having secure borders."
Full Transcript
The Full Transcript Of Today's Briefing Is Available At: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2006/10/20061013-10.html


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