WHO IS THE LORD?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
And Pharaoh said, "Who is the LORD that I should obey His voice to let Israel go? I do not know the LORD, nor will I let Israel go."   Exodus 5:2
Moses.  Forty years living it up in Egypt, forty years repenting in Midian, and then forty years doing what he was supposed to do to begin with.  Sound familiar?  That's your life and mine-maybe not 120 years worth-but chop it up any way you like, that's the way the cookie crumbles.  We've all been the Moses way.
Prince of Egypt; shepherd of Midian; prophet of the living God . . . the Lord called him at the age of 80 and said, "It's time to go, Moses, back into Egypt."
Moses said, "I can't, Lord.  My picture's up in every post office.  I'm wanted for murder!  The KGB, the CIA and everybody in Pharaoh's organization has got my name up there.  The minute I show up, I've had it."
The Lord said, "Go, Moses.  I will go with you.  My presence will go before you."
The vastness of energy that cannot be calculated was placed at the disposal of an 80 year old man.  God said, "What do you have to worry about?  The force that holds the galaxies together will go before you, just go."
Moses said, "Yes, Lord."  And back he went.
We all know the story of his little argument with Pharaoh, and Pharaoh, in one of the greatest dialogues of all history said, "Who is the Lord that I should listen to him?"  I'm sure Moses looked him right in the eye and said, "You should live so long!  Who is the Lord?  You should find out who the Lord is.  Let my people go."  He wouldn't.
The Lord said, "It's alright.  I know he won't let them go.  When I get finished with him-believe me-he will give you the land of Egypt just to get rid of you.  Who is the Lord?  Wait and see."
Moses led them out of the land of Egypt.  And we know the story of how they got to the shores of the Red Sea, and the Egyptians changed their minds.  Pharaoh said, "I must have been thinking crazy to let those Jews out of here.  Go get them!"  And he whips into his chariot and takes off with his crack troops.
And there's Moses:  Pharaoh's chasing him with a vengeance.  The Sea is in front of him, and the desert is on either side.  I don't think that's an enviable position militarily.  Moses, whatever he was, was not General MacArthur.  So Moses said, "I must talk with the Lord."  And he went and prayed.
When he came out he was radiant, and the people said, "What are we going to do?"
Moses said, "Don't worry.  Get everybody ready and walk up to the edge of the water."
"What are we going to do?  Boats?"
"No, we'll just walk over."
So, two million people started to walk towards the water-and this old man lifts his rod-and the waters roll back.  Now you may say, "That's an incredible thing; the waters rolled back.  You don't actually believe something like that do you?"
You better believe I do!  The God that holds a billion galaxies together can open the waters of the Pacific Ocean like an envelope on a Monday morning.  He's not going to have any problem with the Red Sea; it's a little drainage ditch in the Mediterranean.  God just said, "NOW!"  And the waters rolled back.
Oh, the higher critics have had fun with this one.  "There was a strong East wind and it was the Sea of Reeds, and it was very marshy and the wind dried out the land.  Then Moses and these marvelous, faithful Jews marched across that ankle deep water-two million of them-to the other side.  That was the miracle."
The people who talk like this have lost their marbles!  They've given us a greater miracle than we ever asked for, because the Egyptians drowned a whole army in six inches of water!  That's a bigger miracle than opening the Sea.  God said, "Moses, lift up your staff, and I'll take care of the Sea." 
Who is the Lord?  You should find out who the Lord is!


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