Why I Look Like a Fool

Why I Look Like a Fool – Ray Comfort<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
An atheist once wrote to me and said, "I became an atheist to distance myself from people like you, but since becoming an atheist I've found that I don't care – I honestly don't care – if there is a God. I don't care if there is an afterlife. I don't care if I'm going to Hell. Oh, you can say all you want about that, I just don't care. You can't save me."I wrote back: And I don't believe a word you are saying. If you became an atheist to distance yourself from people like me, why are you writing to me? You may say that you don't care, but you do, and so do I. I care enough to get up on a soapbox thousands of times and look like a fool, to plead with people like you who either say that they don't care about their eternal welfare, or show that they don't by their godless lifestyle. But your "I don't care" attitude is in the with the Bible. It teaches that sinful mankind doesn't "care" about God. He gave them life itself and they don't care. He gave them eyes to see His incredible creation, ears to listen to incredible music, taste buds to enjoy incredible food, and they don't care. As the Psalmist says, "God is not in their thoughts."If you had to give up one of those senses, which would it be? Would you willingly give up the ability to see? You don't care if you go blind? How about giving up your taste? Or your hearing? Imagine, never seeing a beautiful rose or a sunset, or the color blue ever again, or never tasting good food, or hearing the music of a bird in the early morning? If you are sane, you care. You care more than you realize. But the loss of those precious senses are nothing compared to giving up your soul. Your "soul" is the real you. It's the interchangeable word the Bible uses for your life. Your soul looks out the windows you call "eyes." It's your soul that responds to the 10,000 friendly little taste buddies on your tongue. Your soul listens to the amazing sounds that are pulled into your inner ear. You don't know what you have with these wonderful gifts from God, until you lose them. Familiarity does breed contempt. Jesus said that if a man gained the entire world but lost his soul, he is the biggest of losers.Yet, every day more than 80 Americans "don't care" enough to take their own lives. Life's circumstances have tragically driven them to that terrible point. Atheism is your first step in that direction. You owe it nothing. You are right about one thing though. I can't save you. Only God can. So after you have read these words of mine, how about reading the words of God? Read Matthew chapter 5-7 and get a glimpse of His perfect holiness. Then think about how we all justly deserve Hell if God is that holy, and think about how Jesus cared enough to take your punishment upon Himself--to pay your fine so that the Judge of the universe could dismiss your case  . . . so that you could have everlasting life. What more could you want?
Learn more about Ray Comfort's ministry at livingwaters.com

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