Worldview Report Transcript For February 23, 2022

Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report broadcast. I’m Brannon Howse.

Canada, which is making a bid to become the world’s newest dictatorship, has moved to make permanent the asset-freezing part of its Emergencies Act, which is being used to target supporters of the Freedom Convoy protests.

As noted by Summit News, there is nothing that lasts longer than a temporary government program, especially one that is trying to prove its authoritarian chops.

Watch this video of Canada’s deputy prime minister announcing the government’s plans to make permanent the most outrageous expansion of government power in Canadian history, even though, at the time of her speech, the invoking of the Emergencies Act had yet to be voted on by the Canadian Parliament.

WATCH VIDEO (cut off at the 2-minute mark)

That official, Chrystia Freeland, is on the board of directors for the World Economic Forum, the globalist organization which meets each year in Davos, Switzerland, to set the agenda for the world’s most influential government and corporate leaders. Notice Freeland said that her government’s actions were totally “peaceful” on the same day that Canadian Mounted Police trampled an elderly woman with horses and beat people in the streets with clubs.


So, let’s see some more of that video footage from the weekend’s protests. We showed you the horses trampling people last night but that’s just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the police brutality that the Trudeau government has unleashed against its own people in Canada.

In this first video, we see police accosting an innocent woman from Alberta who just wanted to walk to a coffee shop in Ottawa.


Watch here as peaceful protesters are suddenly doused with pepper spray by police.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 1:59 of video)

Notice how the government-funded CBC reported tried to downplay that disgusting police ploy, saying it was “just sporadically” that the police were using pepper spray, nothing too bad to worry about there, it was just sporadic.

Now watch in this next video that shows how police physically moved into the space of the peaceful protesters and if the protesters did not back up, they were beaten.

WATCH VIDEO (clip from the 2:12 mark to the end)

Now in this final video, more intimidation, more pepper spray, more brutality from heavily armed police against unarmed, peaceful Canadians who simply don’t want to be forced to take the government’s never-ending injections and wear masks for the rest of their lives.


This is Canada folks. I know it looked like China but this is Canada, where people are known around the world for their peace-loving ways and polite manners.

Intimidation. Beatings. Pepper spray in the eyes. These are all similar tactics that were used against the mostly peaceful protesters at the Capitol in Washington, D.C., on January 6, 2021.

This is the new normal in Canada, the U.S., Australia, France, Italy and just about every nation in the formerly free Western world.  They are showing us now that the freedom they told us we had under the U.S. Constitution, under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, that was all an illusion. Welcome to the new normal. If you don’t like it, you will be deemed a criminal, your bank account frozen, your insurance canceled, your life destroyed. And apparently, they have the police on their side. These are the same police that in the summer of 2020 took a knee to Black Lives Matter in many of the same cities throughout Canada and the U.S.


Now, where is all this tyranny coming down from in all these different countries where people are protesting. Big crowds are out in the streets every weekend in France, Australia, Italy, Canada, and now we have a trucker’s convoy starting up in the Western United States and heading for D.C. for what figures to be another showdown with police in riot gear.

Joe Rogan recently interviewed British analyst Maajid Nowaz and Nowaz answered that question for Rogan, leaving him utterly speechless. Here’s a snippet from that interview, starting with a question from Rogan in reference to Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum where he asks, “Hey man, shouldn’t he be hiding this?”

WATCH VIDEO (clip from the 1:23 mark to the end)

Wow! The look on Rogan’s face at the end there says it all. That’s the look of a man who has just been red-pilled.


People are fighting back against this globalist assault on freedom and its attempt to number every human being in the world with a QR Code that shows they’ve been jabbed with Big Pharma’s experimental gene-therapy injection.

We’ve seen the response of patriots in Canada, desperately trying to “hold the line” against a massive police presence over the weekend.

Now let’s look at Italy where the Italian people have been blocked from entering restaurants, pubs and other public places if they cannot show papers proving they’ve been jabbed.



In order to stop what the Trudeau regime referred to as “illegal blockades and occupations” the government threatened to freeze the bank accounts of demonstrators and anyone who donated money to them. Now they are acting on those threats.

Under the Emergencies Act, the government has ordered banks to freeze accounts without a court order, while all crowdfunding platforms and payment providers are mandated to provide information to FINTRAC (the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada).

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland announced that many of the measures imposed ‘temporarily’ to deal with the protesters (after they had been suitably demonized as violent extremists) will now become permanent.


Turning to the U.S., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been collecting detailed information on Covid hospitalizations for more than a year which breaks cases down by age, race and vaccination status – yet the agency has withheld most of that data from the public according to the New York Times.

What's more, that agency appears to have selectively published information to support the White House’s messaging behind booster shots.

The Times’ story, as quoted by Zero Hedge, reads:

“When the CDC published the first significant data on the effectiveness of boosters in adults younger than 65 two weeks ago, it left out the numbers for a huge portion of that population: 18- to 49-year-olds, the group least likely to benefit from extra shots...”

According to CDC spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund, the agency's lack of disclosure is "because, basically, at the end of the day, it's not yet ready for prime time.”

Nordlund also said the agency is afraid that the information might be “misinterpreted” by those who are against the mass injection program.

CDC deputy director for public health, Dr. Daniel Jernigan, says the pandemic exposed weaknesses in the agency's data systems.

"We want better, faster data that can lead to decision-making and actions at all levels of public health, that can help us eliminate the lag in data that has held us back," he said.

Another excuse: the CDC is awash in red tape and has “multiple bureaucratic divisions that must sign off on important publications,” along with requirements to notify the Department of Health and Human Services and the White House of their plans.

Translation: Don’t expect this data to be released anytime soon because it would set off a firestorm of criticism over the federal government’s hospital protocols and the destruction of lives that the government’s entire Covid response has caused.


Joe Biden said the U.S. national emergency that Donald Trump first declared on March 11, 2020, will be extended “beyond March 1, 2022” citing what he called a “risk to the public health and safety.”

Whether legal or not, this national emergency status gives government at all levels an excuse to violate the U.S. Constitution whenever they want.

In a letter released on the White House website, Biden told House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that “there remains a need to continue this national emergency.”

According to Zero Hedge, his decision to extend the emergency comes as several Democratic governors moved to rescind COVID-19 mandates, including mask rules. The governors of New York and Massachusetts announced last week that they would end certain mask mandates in their states, following similar moves by New Jersey, California, Connecticut, Delaware and Oregon.

Federal health officials last week indicated during a White House briefing that they were preparing for the next phase of the pandemic, as Omicron cases have dropped.

One of those officials, White House COVID-19 adviser Anthony Fauci, told MNSBC on Feb. 15 that he doesn’t believe political sentiment is the reason mandates are being dropped nationwide.

Some critics have said, however, that Democratic leaders are turning away from COVID-19 rules because they fear losing control in either the House or Senate in the 2022 midterms.

A January 31 Monmouth University Poll showed that about 70 percent of Americans agree with the statement, “It’s time we accept that COVID is here to stay and we just need to get on with our lives.”


You will recall that under President Donald Trump, the U.S. became a net petroleum exporter for the first time ever in 2020. That means America produced and exported more oil than it imported from abroad.

But under Joe Biden, the nation is returning to its globalist default position of importing most of its crucial resources.

Higher net crude oil imports are set to make the United States a net petroleum importer this year, as it was in 2021, the U.S. Energy Information Administration said on Friday.


Italy’s most famous volcano, Mount Etna, is spewing ash and smoke, causing transportation nightmares in the area, including the closure of an international airport.

The volcano on the island of Sicily belched a pillar of smoke 7-and-a-half miles high on Monday, February 21. The incident follows a spectacular eruption as recently as February 11.

Ash from the eruption blanketed nearby towns according to Italy's civil protection agency but there have been no immediate reports of injuries or property damage.

Earlier Monday, authorities issued a warning for aircraft in the area.

WATCH VIDEO (skip intro & clip from 0:18 mark and stop at 1:19 mark)

The Bellini international airport in nearby Catania closed at lunchtime Monday due to the eruption, it announced in a tweet. Limited air traffic has since resumed but will be "restricted until the end of the #Etna emergency," the tweet said.  



Internationally known and Nobel Prize-nominated physician Dr. Vladimir Zelenko said the COVID vaccines are changing people into transhumans.

In a February 11 podcast with Pastor David Scarlett, Dr. Zelenko stated the following:

“These vaccines change who you are and what do they mean? They go ahead and explain it that after the mapping of the human genome and the development of CRISPR technology, which is gene splicing and editing — [it’s] basically cut and paste — you can cut out a gene fragment and then place in a fragment from a horse. You can do anything you want. And so, they are making… transhumans, or human 2.0.

“So, if that’s the case, you’re made in the image of Bill Gates or in the image of Klaus Schwab. Now, I prefer the human 1.0 version, the one God made. So that’s what I mean, you’re no longer human. You’ve been artificially modified by human beings to fit their own agenda.”

Zelenko has developed his now famous “Zelenko Protocols” to treat Covid and says not a single person to receive the treatment early has died. He also said in the interview that the U.S. government had an antidote treatment for Covid from the start and actively worked to suppress it.

WATCH VIDEO (clip from 16:20 mark to 18:26 mark)

The essence of evil is what we are dealing with, said Dr. Zelenko, and that is to pull off a global genocide.

That’s a clip you will almost certainly not see played on any other prime-time TV newscast.


The Biden administration failed to use all available screening data to vet Afghan refugees brought to the United States last year, allowing at least 50 individuals posing "potentially significant security concerns" to make it inside America's borders, the Pentagon's chief watchdog is warning.

To make matters worse, Just The News reports that the Defense Department inspector general reported to Congress this week that 28 of 31 Afghan evacuees with known "derogatory information" on their records can no longer be located. They have simply vanished into American cities and nobody knows where they are, nor is anyone apparently trying to find out.

"Not being able to locate Afghan evacuees with derogatory information quickly and accurately could pose a security risk to the United States," the inspector general said. "In addition, the U.S. Government could mistakenly grant ineligible Afghan evacuees with derogatory information" parole into the country.

In a footnote, the inspector general cited the potentially dangerous nature of the 50 refugees posing significant security risks.

"Significant security concerns include individuals whose latent fingerprints have been found on improvised explosive devices and known or suspected terrorists," the report warned.

The Pentagon report directly contradicts President Biden's promise last summer that no Afghans fleeing their country during the bungled U.S. exit would be allowed into United States until they had been aggressively vetted.

We all knew that was not true and now we have the proof.


In our nightly commentary, it was just this sort of thing that American patriot Phil Haney, was trying to warn the American public about when he suffered an untimely death.

A founding member of the Department of Homeland Security, Phil Haney was found dead on the ground outside of his vehicle with a gunshot wound to his chest on February 21, 2020, shortly before his second book “The National Security Meltdown” was scheduled to be released.

In his first book, “See Something Say Nothing,” Haney blew the whistle on the Obama administration for purging all records related to the Muslim Brotherhood’s tactics and infiltration of key positions of power within the national security apparatus.

The Amador County Sheriff’s Office initially engaged with the public but has been tight-lipped for well over a year now after “reaching out” to the FBI for assistance in the case. RAIR Foundation USA has written several articles about Phil Haney and has reached out to the Amador County Sheriff’s Office on several occasions.

Here is Haney testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

WATCH VIDEO (clip from 0:48 mark to 4:07 mark)

Haney’s body was found on the side of a state highway in a rural area outside of Sacramento, California, with a bullet in his chest. Two years later, the autopsy report and cause of death has still not been released.

The FBI is still in possession of Haney’s laptop, his cellphone and flash drives containing all his research and data that went into his books. For that matter, no family member or law enforcement agency has ever said anything about what happened to the manuscript for his completed book that was about to go to press at the time of his death.

Until we are presented with credible, conclusive evidence to the contrary, it’s fair to assume that foul play was involved in this great patriot’s death. The FBI and the Amador County Sheriff’s Office have conducted their investigations, which were merged into one investigation, in a fashion that can only be described as unprofessional and despicable. There has been no transparency to their actions whatsoever.

We urge them to come clean on the true and accurate cause of Phil Haney’s death. His family and his many friends deserve nothing less.

That’s our report tonight. We thank you for tuning in. From everyone here at the Worldview Report, goodnight and we’ll see you next time. Take care.


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Brannon Howse
WVW Broadcast Network



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