Worldview Report Transcript For February 9, 2022

Good evening. Leading off tonight, Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson declared a state of emergency on Sunday in an effort to clamp down on the ongoing Trucker Freedom Convoy demonstration.

The 43-mile-long Freedom Convoy started in Vancouver more than a week ago and reached Ottawa last Friday night.

Heavily armed Ottawa police officers removed all fuel and propane tanks from the Freedom Convoy trucks after Mayor Jim Watson declared a state of an emergency.

No arrests were made during the fuel seizure, according to a report by Gateway Pundit.

A CBC reporter posted video of Ottawa police seizing all fuel and propane tanks from the trucks parked at the logistics camp.


Ottawa police left with fuel but they did not dismantle the camp.

Reports on the ground say that the strategy seems to be to starve and freeze the truckers out. Without fuel they can’t stay warm in their truck cabs and they can’t continue to stay encamped in the city unless their supporters are somehow able to get around the blockade.

The city has also criminalized giving support to the trucker protest movement. The movement has been totally peaceful, according to all legitimate reports. No one has been arrested and charged with a violent offense to our knowledge. This is a protected free-speech protest. But the city and the national government appear to be working in concert to shut it down by acting illegally to seize the private property of the truckers.

Bottom line: This declaration of emergency is in reality a declaration of war against the people. The masks are off. The Canadian government has proven by its response to the peaceful protest that it is every bit the tyrannical regime that sparked the protests in the first place.


The Biden administration is set to fund the distribution of crack pipes to drug addicts as part of its plan to advance "racial equity,” according to a report by the Washington Free Beacon.

The $30 million grant program, which closed applications Monday and will begin in May, will provide funds to nonprofits and local governments to help make drug use “safer” for addicts. Included in the grant, which is overseen by the Department of Health and Human Services, are funds for "smoking kits/supplies." A spokesman for the agency told the Washington Free Beacon that these kits will provide pipes for users to smoke crack cocaine, crystal methamphetamine, and "any illicit substance."

HHS said the kits aim to reduce the risk of infection when smoking substances with glass pipes, which can lead to infections through cuts and sores. Applicants for the grants are prioritized if they treat a majority of "underserved communities," including African Americans and "LGBTQ+ persons," as established under President Joe Biden's executive order on "advancing racial equity."

Democratic-run cities such as San Francisco and Seattle have distributed smoking kits to residents. Some local governments, however, have in recent years backed away from their smoking kit programs over concerns they enable drug abuse. Louisville, Ky., for example, allowed convenience stores to sell smoking kits but later banned them. Legislators in Maryland ditched their distribution plan after facing backlash from local law enforcement and African-American leaders.

Sgt. Clyde Boatwright, president of the Maryland Fraternal Order of Police, said government resources are better spent on preventing drug abuse rather than making it safer.

Boatwright told the Free Beacon:

"If we look at more of a preventive campaign as opposed to an enabling campaign, I think it will offer an opportunity to have safer communities with fewer people who are dependant on these substances.”

Other "harm reduction" equipment that qualifies for funding includes syringes, vaccinations, disease screenings, condoms, and fentanyl strips.

Yes, fentanyl strips, for one of the most potent and dangerous drugs in the world.

The grant program will last three years and includes 25 awards of up to $400,000 each.

An HHS spokesman declined to specify what is included in the smoking kits. Similar distribution efforts provide mouthpieces to prevent glass cuts, rubber bands to prevent burns, and filters to minimize the risk of disease.

It is against federal law to distribute or sell drug paraphernalia unless authorized by the government.

President Biden's son Hunter is a longtime user of crack cocaine.


Congressman Thomas Massie, Republican of Kentucky, vowed to never meet with executives and leaders of companies that enforce vaccine mandates on their employees or discriminate against customers based on vaccine status. 

Massie tweeted Friday:

"NOTICE: I will not take a meeting with any executive or manager of any company that is subjecting its employees to a COVID vaccine mandate or discriminating against employees or customers based on COVID vaccination status,"


Earlier that day Massie said companies imposing vaccine mandates are "scientifically illiterate, morally bankrupt, inhumane abusers."

In an ocean of silence among the political class, Congressman Massie stands out from the rest of his party. He joins a handful of others in Congress, such as Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, Senators Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Rand Paul of Kentucky, who have spoken out against forced vaccinations, something no American should be subjected to, no matter their age, professional status or health situation. 


The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms on February 7 issued a warning that Ottawa police would be breaking the law if police attempt to intimidate or arrest people who bring food or other supplies to truckers who are peacefully exercising their Charter rights and freedoms in Ottawa.

tweet from Ottawa Police from 11:52 a.m. on Sunday February 6, states “Anyone attempting to bring material supports (gas, etc.) to the demonstrators could be subject to arrest. Enforcement is underway.”

Attorney Nicholas Wansbutter, who has been retained by the Justice Centre, which is representing the Freedom Convoy, issued the following statement:

“People who bring food, water, gasoline or other supplies to peacefully protesting truckers are not breaking any law. There is no basis for this police threat, that was issued by Twitter this morning.”

“In a free and democratic society that is governed by the rule of law, citizens can freely associate with each other, including the giving and receiving of goods and gifts. There is no law that would allow the Ottawa Police to arrest people for giving fuel or food to another Canadian.”

“The truckers themselves are exercising their Charter freedoms of expression, association and peaceful assembly, as they are legally entitled to do,” concludes Wansbutter.


The Biden administration elevated its warnings Sunday that a Russian invasion of Ukraine may be imminent, saying Moscow could invade “at any time” and create a conflict that will result in “enormous human cost,” according to the Washington Times.

White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan made the accusations on multiple Sunday news talk shows as Republican leaders in Washington said the threat of invasion could have been avoided if the administration had supported Ukraine more robustly and taken a tougher posture toward Russian President Vladimir Putin months ago.

President Biden “laid the predicate for this. The deterrence has not been there,” said Rep. Michael T. McCaul of Texas, the top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and a known neocon war hawk.

McCaul said during an appearance on ABC’s “This Week” program that the White House “failed to provide not only the lethal aid to Ukraine but also the sanctions necessary” to stop Putin.

McCaul, who has been working hard to beat the war drums over Ukraine, cited Biden’s waiver last year of Russia sanctions that a bipartisan group of lawmakers sought to impose with the goal of stopping Moscow’s Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to Germany.

McCaul and the neocons see the construction of that pipeline to be handing Putin control over European energy supplies and increasing his leverage on U.S. allies there.

In his comments to NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday, Sullivan suggested that the administration has begun reconsidering its position on the Nord Stream issue and is prepared to impose sanctions swiftly if Russian forces don’t back away from Ukraine.

“If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward,” the national security adviser said. “Russia understands that. We are coordinated with our allies on that, and that will be the reality if Russia chooses to move forward.”


Summit News is reporting that a group of environmental economists in Germany is demanding that huge taxes be imposed on meat products to fight climate change, with calls for beef to be 56 percent more expensive.

Alleging that livestock is responsible for 13 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, researchers from Berlin’s Chair of Sustainable Use of Natural Resources are demanding limitations on meat consumption in order to “attain greenhouse gas neutrality.”

“Livestock farming is a huge contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, soil and water pollution, and precious forests are being cleared for pastures and food crops,” said the leader of the group, Professor Linus Mattauch.

He added that, “Evidence suggests the environmental impacts are so large that the world can’t meet climate goals and keep vital ecosystems intact without reducing the consumption of meat – at least in Western high-income countries.”

Mattauch wants governments to “start thinking about also taxing meat to reduce its consumption,” asserting that this is the “most efficient path to preventing further strain on our planet.”

“According to the group’s model calculations, the direct cost of livestock farming in relation to climate change is as high as $9.21 per kilogram of beef,” reports ReMix News. “Applying this cost to the price of beef could result in beef products being as much as 56 percent more expensive. Similarly, poultry would cost 25 percent more, and lamb and pork would rise by 19 percent.”

Such taxes will hit hardest among the poor, who in many western countries are already suffering due to rampant food inflation.

But as Summit News suggests, the solution to rising meat prices will be to beef up propaganda campaigns to encourage everyone to start eating bugs as an alternative and “sustainable” source of protein.

As previously reported, the World Economic Forum published two articles on its website which explored how people could be conditioned to get used to the idea of eating weeds, bugs and drinking sewage water in order to reduce CO2 emissions.

In January last year, the EU officially approved the sale of worms as food to be consumed by humans.

Last month, Vanderbilt University Professor Amanda Little argued that everyone in the world needs to start eating insects and that the EU’s approval of them conferred a form of “dignity” to their consumption.

But you can rest assured, as Summit News concludes in its article, that one group of people who won’t be eating bugs is the technocratic globalist elites pushing it on the rest of us.


Speaking of meat prices, the stock of Tyson Foods, the world's second largest processor and marketer of chicken, beef, and pork, is soaring 9 percent, hitting an all-time high and is one of the S&P's best-performing companies this week.

After the company reported blowout earnings, Tyson announced that they are raising prices even more as the company grapples with a tight labor market and smaller livestock herds. According to the report, beef prices jumped by 32% in the quarter, with chicken up 20% and pork up 13%.

This helped Tyson's operating margin grow to 11.3%, up from 6.7% a year earlier. The higher meat prices have, however, had the Biden administration scrambling as profits continue to mount at meatpackers, while runaway inflation continues to crush Biden's collapsing approval rating.


Turning our attention to the Winter Olympics in China. Some have called this the genocide games for China’s role in the lab leak that caused the Covid pandemic. Others have compared it to the Nazis’ hosting of the 1936 Berlin Games and how China is similarly using the games as a propaganda boost for its sagging international image.

But few people are watching the games and NBC is facing a cataclysmic loss of audience for the 2022 Winter Olympics as viewership tanked for Friday’s Opening Ceremony, averaging just 16 million.

It is a record low for the Opening Ceremony, shattering the previous record, which was 20.1 million viewers for the Calgary games in 1988, and a whopping 43 percent below the 2018 Games in South Korea that notched 28.3 million viewers despite also dealing with a less than advantageous Asian time zone for American audiences.

NBC said the 16 million is a “total audience delivery” and includes all of its networks and streaming. The television-only average audience was below 14 million for the day, per the preliminary data released by the network.

China’s drastic anti-COVID measures have made life inside its “closed loop” a high-stress and near joyless experience for the athletes and a massive challenge for NBC.

Athletes have complained about the fear of positive tests, substandard conditions in unnecessary “isolation centers” and the need to guard against China hacking into their phones and computers to mine data and steal their identities.

Friday’s Opening Ceremony from the famed Bird’s Nest in Beijing was rich with propaganda, including a speech from International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach that sounded like it could have been written by the Chinese Communist Party. It almost certainly was pre-approved by the CCP.


In our commentary tonight, we have an update on the vehicle ramming attack on peaceful protesters at the Trucker Freedom Convoy in Winnipeg, Manitoba, last week.

Canadian police are claiming a suspected left-wing terror attack on Freedom Convoy demonstrators in Winnipeg was merely a hit-and-run accident, despite video footage showing the driver of a white SUV, who is now in police custody, appearing to deliberately swerve and take out as many anti-lockdown demonstrators as possible, ultimately injuring four.


Photos and video footage of the Friday-night attack show that the driver, who rode alone, covered his face with a COVID mask as he swerved his white Jeep SUV and mowed down four Freedom Convoy demonstrators. The driver sped off and ran a number of red lights as he fled the area.

Three victims of the SUV attack were treated and released at the scene, while a fourth was reportedly transferred to a local hospital, treated, and later released. All are expected to make a full recovery.

After many hours of silence from local officials and law enforcement, Winnipeg Police finally announced over the weekend that they had arrested the driver of the white SUV following a brief chase.

Despite the violent actions of the driver, authorities refused to call the incident a terror attack, or even an attack of any kind.

Instead, the police chief portrayed the incident at a press conference Saturday as a simple hit-and-run accident. Members of the press who gathered to hear the police statement sounded disappointed when a constable representing the Winnipeg Police told them that no Freedom Convoy members were suspected of or charged with any violent actions in the lead up to the SUV attack.

On Monday, the Gateway Pundit identified the man who rammed his vehicle into Winnipeg Freedom Convoy Protesters as Antifa activist David Zegarac, 42 years old of Headingley, Canada.

Mainstream media across Canada and the U.S. have been silent on this attack. Why? Because it doesn’t fit their narrative.

It’s the truckers who are supposed to be the violent, hateful ones. Antifa doesn’t even exist. It’s just an idea, they tell us, and left-wing hatred could not have been a motivation in the eyes of the dishonest corporate media.

This was a brutal attack on peaceful protesters exercising their free-speech rights under Canadian law.

But you can bet that those in power will ensure the driver’s true motives remain hidden. And David Zegarac will not become a household name.

Imagine the difference in media coverage if the situation were reversed, and this was a vehicle attack on a group of BLM or Antifa members holding a protest rally. The press would have immediately demanded the name of the suspect and would have launched an investigation into the assailant’s alleged motives, sifting through his social media accounts, interviewing his friends and neighbors, and the coverage would have gone on non-stop for weeks.

As for the declaration of emergency by Ottawa’s mayor on Monday, which was used to seize the truckers’ fuel and food, well, it might more accurately be called a declaration of war. A war on a peaceful protest in a country with a rich tradition of freedom of speech, assembly and citizens’ rights to redress grievances. Our prayers continue to be with the freedom fighters in Canada and throughout the world.

That concludes our report tonight. Thanks for tuning in to the Worldview Report with Brannon Howse. Take care.


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Brannon Howse
WVW Broadcast Network


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