The Worst of Sins –Ray Comfort

The Worst of Sins –Ray Comfort<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

In December of 2008, a report which studied to conduct of 30,000 high school students found that 30 percent of students admitted to stealing from a store within the past year, a two percent rise from 2006. More than one third of boys (35 percent) said they had stolen goods, compared to 26 percent of girls. An overwhelming majority, 83 percent, of public school and private religious school students admitted to lying to their parents about something significant, compared to 78 percent for those attending independent non-religious schools. "Despite these high levels of dishonesty, these same kids have a high self-image when it comes to ethics." Some 93 percent of students indicated satisfaction with their own character and ethics, with 77 percent saying that "when it comes to doing what is right, I am better than most people I know."These are violations of God's Law--lying, stealing and dishonoring of parents. It's significant that the religious schools had higher rates of Lawlessness and that self-righteousness was rampant. While experts and philosophers suggest a multitude of reasons as to why this is happening, it traces itself back to a lack of the fear of God. Their concept of God doesn't include retribution for transgression of His Law. Idolatry is probably the hardest to detect, but it is undoubtedly the worst of sins, because of the door it opens.

Painted into a Corner

"Ray. I have no idea about what <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Darwin believed about the evolution of sex. I do not care. It is not a matter of name calling either. The problem is that you just assumed that Darwin postulated something because it was something about evolution. No lifetime has been so long that a single scientist could have solved all the questions about the theory by her/himself. This is the point (in case you missed it). What you really would have to know is not what Darwin thought about the evolution of sex, but what is currently known. In science we have no prophets, no messiahs. We work and work and work, and results get published, and knowledge increases. Why would I be limited to find out what, and 'if,' Darwin thought when there is a bunch of current knowledge that would give me a better perspective? G.E."G.E. It's not a matter of solving all the questions of his theory. It's only one of a million cans of worms he opened. When you eliminate a Creator, you are stuck with the ramifications. We have male and female throughout creation. Darwin and every believer in evolution believes that male and female evolved. There was a time when there was no male and no female, and then over millions of years, they came about through the process of evolution to a point of having the ability to reproduce. You don't know how they reproduced before that point, but you are stuck with the fact that before there were both sexes the only way they could carry on their species, was to be asexual. That's unless you say that "in the beginning there was male and female," and that cuts too close to the Genesis bone for an atheist.

Charles Darwin Met His Maker

Charles Robert Darwin went to meet his Maker on April 19, 1882, in Downe, England. Upon his death, Darwin's family arranged for him to be buried in St. Mary's churchyard in the village of Downe. However, William Spottiswoode, the President of the Royal Society wrote to the Dean of Westminster Abbey requesting that Darwin be buried in its prestigious cemetery. Darwin once wrote: "I feel most deeply that the whole subject is too profound for human intellect. A dog might as well speculate on the mind of Newton."It's interesting that Darwin spoke of the mind of Newton. Here is what Newton said about God:"Repentance and the remission of sins relate to transgressions against the two first Commandments. We are to forsake the Devil, that is, all false gods and all manner of idolatry, this being a breach of the first and great commandment. And we are to forsake the flesh and the world, or as the Apostle John expressed it, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eye and the pride of life, that is, unchastity, covetousness, pride and ambition; these things being a breach of the second of the two great Commandments. And we are to believe in one God, the father, almighty in dominion, the Maker of heaven and earth and of all things therein, and in our Lord Jesus Christ, the son of God, who was born of a Virgin and sacrificed for us on the cross, and the third day rose again from the dead and ascended unto heaven...And as for the Christian worship, we are authorized in scripture to give glory and honor to God the Father, because he hath created all things, and to the Lamb of God, because he hath redeemed us with his blood and is our Lord, and to direct our prayers to God the Father in the name of Christ ..." Ironically, Charles Darwin is buried in Westminster Abbey, close to Sir Isaac Newton.

Why do Females Exist?

All animals, all fish and reptiles have the ability to reproduce of their own kind because they have females within the species. No male can reproduce and keep its kind alive without a female of the same species. Dogs, cats, horses, cows, elephants, humans, giraffes, lions, tigers, birds, fish, and reptiles all came into being having both male and female. If any species came into existence without a mature female present (with complimentary female components), that one male would have remained alone and in time died. The species could not have survived without a female. Why did hundreds of thousands of animals, fish, reptiles and birds (over millions of years) evolve a female partner (that coincidentally matured at just the right time) with each species?


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