Andy Woods: August 21, 2017

Is harsh speech ever appropriate when calling out false teachers? What is the context of Proverbs 15:1, Colossians 4:6, and other verses? This week, Pastors Andy Woods and Jim McGowan of Sugar Land Bible Church consider what Christian Pastors and leaders can say when confronting false teachers. Many of the defenders of James White and his interfaith dialogue with Jihadi Imam, Yasir Qadhi, have become the 'tone police' in regard to the strong and bold warning from those who have discernment to see the dangers of what James White did with Yasir Qadhi. Today, Andy and Jim point to how individuals are twisting the scriptures to try and shame, or dog-pile on those lifting up a strong and Biblical response to the sacrilege of the Yasir-White IFD. Andy particularly reveals how Justin Peters took scriptures out of context in a recent public speech on YouTube to apparently try and shame and condemn those who are giving a strong and bold warning to the church of the serious spiritual and physical threats of the Yasir-White IFD. Yes, strong and harsh language is needed when confronting false teaching, false teachers, and those that bring them before the sheep.

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