Andy Woods: July 24, 2017

In this episode of Pastors' Point of View, pastors Andy Woods and Jim McGowan do a short wrapup of the whole Yasir Qhadi-James White interfaith dialogue issue. They then turn their attention to an analysis of the limited atonement idea as advocated by five point Calvinism. Does the Bible teach limited or unlimited atonement and why does it matter? In the process, they reveal some interesting information about the well-known Bible-based counselor, Dr. Jay Adams. Not only is this man a Preterist (someone who believes that the bulk of the Book of Revelation's prophecies were fulfilled in the events of A.D. 70), but he has also written that is improper to tell the unsaved that Christ died for them when evangelizing. He says this because he doesn't know if the unsaved people he is witnessing to you are one of the elect. Is this a biblical evangelistic approach?


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